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BM is already up to old tricks

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So our CPS case is set to close out tomorrow (3months early). CPS let BM take SS9 and SD14 to Arkansas for a 2 week vacation even though the property ought to be condemned by the health department. DH hasn't seen SS in 7 weeks, because he had to go out of state on business and then when we got back they were leaving for AR. Our court date is tomorrow and BM was supposed to have the kids back in TX yesterday. Cps set this visitation up a week ago! Well, they didn't leave until this morning and now they are having car trouble, but the visitation is still on, unless we hear otherwise. The visitation is in 3 hours! So now that the case is closing out, BM is already up to her old tricks and showing everybody what she's made of. Of course CPS won't believe this because "people can change in 3 years". Well, she didn't change. She cheated and she cheated big time (read previous blogs about SD being put up to saying DH molested her 1st time ever 3 years to the day after he took custody and the very next day - the anniversary she makes her "outcry" to the whole freaking school, police officers, cps, everybody... that's pretty rare.) of course they don't really care about the headlice that the kids had, or BM assaulting SD in 2010, or all the drunken episodes, all they care about is that she's been able to fake it for 3 months. Personally, i hope DH decides to ask for them to keep the case open until November (when it is set to close out) as long as they can close our case. That gives us 3 more months to catch her screwing up. If the case closes tomorrow, they will always have "car trouble" when it is DH turn to see SS. I'm sorry, but i wish these people would open up their freaking eyes and see what she's doing. They should have been home yesterday, so how is car trouble TODAY an excuse for them not being home so that CPS can see them one more time, the guardian ad litem can see them, and dh can see his son! (We are hoping he can give up rights to SD tomorrow). Ugh, i'm on a rampage right now. It's bad enough what she did to us to begin with, now she's already up to her old crap and the case isn't even closed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


mcnat's picture

today's visit is officially canceled. i hate it for my husband, but mainly for my SS, once this all closes out he will lose any opportunity to have a relationship with his father.