mcnat's Blog
Reuniting with step son tomorrow
So it's been over 9 months since BM and SD pulled there crap (FYI SD is now on PROBATION through the court system - WTG BM) and my DH and i lost custody of SD and SS. DH has been seeing SS every other weekend for the past few months - i was not allowed to until SS therapist said it was ok. Well, therapist has given the ok - and BM said SS could spend the night. We don't really want him spending the night just yet because of all the other crap that has happened (BM more than likely only got this approved so that she can go out and drink).
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Surprise at the gyno...
So I go to the gynocologist today (yes, this is important). As I'm checking in, I am asked to verify my secondary address and phone number. I don't have a secondary address and phone number, so you can imagine my shock when the secondary information listed belonged to DH's ex wife, or as i call her BM from HELL!!!!!!!!!! We can't PROVE it, but this is what we think happened.
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SD and BM suck!
if you haven't read previous blogs, you might not understand, but if you have you will.
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well, i didn't slap her
just got through with court. DH's child support went up another $150 (800 now) and he wasn't able to sign his rights to his "daughter" away because they haven't decided if her SF is going to adopt her. He won't. DH doesn't see the point in giving her up if he's still going to be financially responsible for her. Of course, as it stands he can't see her thanks to the lies she told, and he's still financially responsible for her. This whole thing was about MONEY.
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BM is already up to old tricks
So our CPS case is set to close out tomorrow (3months early). CPS let BM take SS9 and SD14 to Arkansas for a 2 week vacation even though the property ought to be condemned by the health department. DH hasn't seen SS in 7 weeks, because he had to go out of state on business and then when we got back they were leaving for AR. Our court date is tomorrow and BM was supposed to have the kids back in TX yesterday. Cps set this visitation up a week ago! Well, they didn't leave until this morning and now they are having car trouble, but the visitation is still on, unless we hear otherwise.
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Today is going to be a rough day
Well, my son will see sd14 for the first time since 18 April and i'm worried sick. While she lived with us all she did was torture him, but she whined about not being able to see him so the judge ordered bi weekly visitation between my son and SD14 and SS9. I'm so worried about how this is going to affect him, but there's nothing we can do. It sucks all around especially that CPS is just playing into this teenager's hand and doing their best to appease her even at the sake of BS3. Hopefully this will all be over soon enough and we'll never hear from this evil person again.
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Loving just being a mom
So as most of you already know my skids went back to live with their egg donor after living with us for EXACTLY 3 years. Let me tell you, that was a hard transition. I really missed my SS9 and too be honest, still do, but am not able to see him because he is telling everybody he's afraid of me. (stupid eggdonor is coaching him i'm sure). Well, anyhow, it's been 2 months and i've finally woken up and realized how great it is not having them.
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SD got back to the trash can she was birthed from! You won't believe it!
Sorry it's been a while since i've written, things have been rather hectic. Here's an update on my step parenting experience. We got custody April 18, 2008 because the biological mother is a piece of shit. We've had all kinds of issues to where she finally ended up getting supervised visitations. She still continued drinking and made our lives hell every chance she got. She told our original custody lawyer that she would get even with my husband by having my step daughter (who is 14 now) say that her father molested her.
Might as well jump on in :)
Hey there, here's my story. In 2005 I married the man of my dreams, we finished up our time in the army in 2006 (2007 for him) and started our lives together in the civilian world. We had our son in 2007. The summer of 2007 his ex wife took the kids out of school 3 weeks early to go visit her family. They stayed with us for 3 months that summer. Around the beginning of 2008 the ex started going nuts. She was married but her hubby was in Afghanistan and she was lonely.
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