Father's Day
SD is so selfish and self centered. The teenage girls stayed up really late last night because it is the summer. Whatever. Told my kids that bedtime is 12 at the latest even if it is summer. I got up this morning made a great breakfast. DH helped. Everyone is sitting at table eating and DH said something to my 13yr old because she is so tired and SD pipes up in a really rude voice about how it is 10:30 in the morning. DH "doesn't hear her". Then I give DH his card and gifts and even though everyone signed he is captivated by what SD wrote. Mind you this is the 17yr old that has a job and didn't even buy him a card especially from her. So I am trying to work out with DH when best time is for us all to go to a movie so it collaborates with SD work schedule because we all know how important the pizza industry is so much so that she can't be one minute late to work on a Sunday and Father's Day. This is the same girl that said her job was more important to her than me and DH's wedding day which we also had to schedule around her work schedule. Deep breath. Okay, so when SD finds out what movie we are going to see and it isn't one she wants to see she decides that she would rather go to work early than go to the movie. Two and a half hours early to be exact. This same girl stayed at her friends Friday and Saturday nights. Hasn't said word one to the man who is only the half brother to her bm. She has other uncles that didn't step up to the plate. The man who didn't really have that much of a relationship with her bm. The man that has raised her without any financial help from her bioparents. DEEP BREATH. Okay keep moving forward. It does hurt that here are my kids and they are respectful, thankful, and appreciative of the relationship that DH's being in their lives especially since their bd isn't around. Sure there are some issues but what SKid doesn't have them especially when they can see a brat being doted on who doesn't appreciate it when they would give an arm and a leg to have a Father child relationship worked so hard towards as DH works for his relationship with SD. Are my kids not good enough. What is so great about this brat? When will she start to appreciate DH. When will he appreciate my kids?
- mean stepmom's blog
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