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DH can't seem to be patient with mine but his kid is an angel

mean stepmom's picture

Okay I know with my two sons having to go to summer school that it eats up the better half of our day driving them to and fro and because his angel has a job and is hardly home that it makes it easier to overlook how annoying the girl is but geez give me a break. My 13yr old daughter is a typical teen no worries, feels like the world is against her, wants to watch tv and anything that interferes with that is horrible. My BD was asking DH and myself a question last night and DH was just like just be quiet. Didn't even give her the courtesy of at least hearing what she had to say. The night before the evilness was eating dinner with us which is rare since summer started but everyone was being rambunctious and it's like the only people DH heard were my kids making noise. Meanwhile SD was saying stuff like vagina or whatever and does he say anything to her? Did I mention that this girl has warts on her fingers something that DH took her to the dermatologist numerous times for but they kept coming back. She works at a local pizza place and when I asked why she was not made to wear gloves they said that they weren't contagious. Needless to say we don't eat there ever. It is so gross when she wants to touch everything with her warts. It is so hard not to dislike this girl. She has went so far as to compare her body to mine when talking to my daughter. I am a bcup and she is a ccup but why would that even matter to her? I swear I feel like she wants me out of the way so she can have my husband.


PartlyCloudy's picture

Right on sister!!! My BS lives with us full time as his father lives 3 hours away and does not see him very often and my DH's kids are with us every weekend. DH started to resent my BS because we have him all the time, and not his kids. DH has even said some very mean things about my son's personality that he later tried to take back, but to me the damage was already done. On the weekends when the skids are with us and something happens that DH doesn't like my BS always gets blamed for causing it even though his two evil, manipulative, reclusive kids were the true cause of it.

Apparently BM has successfully poisoned the skids into thinking that my BS and I are the reason that they don't see DH more often, when as I'm sure you all know I am just simply the excuse that she uses because she can't stand the fact that I am with DH. BM is so insanely jealous that DH apparently found happiness before her that she spouts nasty lies about me and my BS in front of her kids so much that they have now been brain washed into thinking the same way BM thinks. Needless to say DH has started to honestly believe the skids and the skids have even stated that they don't want to come to visit anymore because my son and I live there. DH can't see that they've been brain washed by BM, because his kids would never say anything they didn't really mean!!! :sick:

So instead of being a real parent and talking to his kids about how I am a part of his life he has decided that we need to get a divorce as he wants to see more of his kids (and less of my kid). Of course, there is nothing wrong with his filthy, mannerless, rude, emotionless off spring and there is everything wrong with my son who actually shows emotion toward people and has manners and showers regularly! His kids don't even use a napkin to wipe their mouths when they are sitting at the dinner table, they talk with their mouths full of food, their conversations at the table are on horrid subjects and the only thing DH allows to do when they talk like this is to ignore it!!! I am no good at ignoring anything!!!

Needless to say I am not ging to contest the divorce, but when I get settled into my new digs and have all of our stuff in the new place I will certainly be letting him have a big piece of my mind! I just want to keep the peace until we are away from him and safely in our new home. That's when it will be time to use my flying monkeys!!!

DH is such a wimp when it comes to parenting his kids, because they were only with us on the weekends. He lets them get away with stuff that I would never let my son do and when I would correct my son for doing the same thing that they just got away with it is very confusing to everyone.

As you can see I am entering the "ANGER" stage of my grief, but the love and hurt is still right under the surface. I still love DH, but some of the decisions he has made and some of the things he has said, just can't be ignored.

Don't make me get my flying monkeys!!!

mean stepmom's picture

When me and my kids moved out here 2yrs ago the sd proceeded to tell me that her mom said,"If all he needs is someone to be with you then I could have moved out there and taken care of you while he worked." The girl was 15 at the time. Dh had made sure that he got her and himself moved out here in time for her to start the new school without having any disruptions. Oh yeah and according to her even though she was with the beloved grandmother before they moved out here, grandma was being mean and treating her as horrible as she treated DH when he was growing up causing him to get emancipated from his own mom. SD knows this and is always saying stuff like I'm not talking to nana anymore because she is acting like she did when you a kid. He doesn't see that she is manipulating him and it bothers me that she is talking to her bm about me and my kids because I know that the bm is getting the pure fiction version of everything going on here. The SD is not supposed to have any contact with her bd because he used to beat the bm(which is DH younger half sister) we have caught her with a myspace page before where DH income was posted and our house address was posted as well as our home phone number. Guess what she has another myspace page and is contact with the bd but tells DH that she is not getting along with bm right now. Hmm wonder why? DH trusts her so much he doesn't even give it a second thought. There goes my hopes and dreams that sd would move out as soon as she turned 18 to live with bm. Neither of her parents send money to DH and he doesn't ask for any. Her BM and Grandma send her gift cards and clothing all of the time whilst ignoring the existence of me and mine. Neither of sd bioparents make the income that DH does and grandma lives on social security. All the girl has ever talked about since I met her was how awful DH is to her and that she wants to be emancipated. 2summers ago we let her go to her grandma's DH called to see if she was packed and ready when it was getting time to go. She said she was staying and DH could just send money at regular intervals when he asked how she thought her nana was going to support her. I am sick to my stomach everytime I think about the possibility that this selfish mean spirited girl will never be out of our house. I know I have been ranting and my blogs are so disjointed but I have had this girl in my life for 5yrs now and none of them are happy memories where she is concerned.

Gmama's picture

we have 4 between both of us mine B-18 B-15 G-10 and SS 10.
my kids treat my DH like CRAP I feel so bad for him sometimes i'm not sure how he's managed to make it this far? Their dad commited suicide almost 5 year ago about a year after our divorce. I have very bitter children. My oldest has been nothing but a little shit, the 15 year old is getting there to, my 10 year old loves him to pieces and started calling him dad about a year ago(she doesnt remember a hole lot of her dad)so yes he helps me parent but yet doesn't get OVER involved and at times i'd like him to be more involvd but yet i'm ok with him not, MY SS we see very little, he lives out of state with the BM,so when he comes it's all about having fun with dad. (and we all know how that goes, we do all the hard stuff and running with the kids and dads get the fun.) so yes he does treat his son VERY differant then my kids, but on the same hand I don't throw myself at my SS eather. he makes it very clear ( even for 10) I'am not his mom, hes more respectful then my kids are but yet very reserved, my husband isn't very strict with him at all, but yet your right he can be quick to point out my flaws as a parent, but I do it to him also.

Gmama's picture

we have 4 between both of us mine B-18 B-15 G-10 and SS 10.
my kids treat my DH like CRAP I feel so bad for him sometimes i'm not sure how he's managed to make it this far? Their dad commited suicide almost 5 year ago about a year after our divorce. I have very bitter children. My oldest has been nothing but a little shit, the 15 year old is getting there to, my 10 year old loves him to pieces and started calling him dad about a year ago(she doesnt remember a hole lot of her dad)so yes he helps me parent but yet doesn't get OVER involved and at times i'd like him to be more involvd but yet i'm ok with him not, MY SS we see very little, he lives out of state with the BM,so when he comes it's all about having fun with dad. (and we all know how that goes, we do all the hard stuff and running with the kids and dads get the fun.) so yes he does treat his son VERY differant then my kids, but on the same hand I don't throw myself at my SS eather. he makes it very clear ( even for 10) I'am not his mom, hes more respectful then my kids are but yet very reserved, my husband isn't very strict with him at all, but yet your right he can be quick to point out my flaws as a parent, but I do it to him also.

Gmama's picture

we have 4 between both of us mine B-18 B-15 G-10 and SS 10.
my kids treat my DH like CRAP I feel so bad for him sometimes i'm not sure how he's managed to make it this far? Their dad commited suicide almost 5 year ago about a year after our divorce. I have very bitter children. My oldest has been nothing but a little shit, the 15 year old is getting there to, my 10 year old loves him to pieces and started calling him dad about a year ago(she doesnt remember a hole lot of her dad)so yes he helps me parent but yet doesn't get OVER involved and at times i'd like him to be more involvd but yet i'm ok with him not, MY SS we see very little, he lives out of state with the BM,so when he comes it's all about having fun with dad. (and we all know how that goes, we do all the hard stuff and running with the kids and dads get the fun.) so yes he does treat his son VERY differant then my kids, but on the same hand I don't throw myself at my SS eather. he makes it very clear ( even for 10) I'am not his mom, hes more respectful then my kids are but yet very reserved, my husband isn't very strict with him at all, but yet your right he can be quick to point out my flaws as a parent, but I do it to him also.

Gmama's picture

we have 4 between both of us mine B-18 B-15 G-10 and SS 10.
my kids treat my DH like CRAP I feel so bad for him sometimes i'm not sure how he's managed to make it this far? Their dad commited suicide almost 5 year ago about a year after our divorce. I have very bitter children. My oldest has been nothing but a little shit, the 15 year old is getting there to, my 10 year old loves him to pieces and started calling him dad about a year ago(she doesnt remember a hole lot of her dad)so yes he helps me parent but yet doesn't get OVER involved and at times i'd like him to be more involvd but yet i'm ok with him not, MY SS we see very little, he lives out of state with the BM,so when he comes it's all about having fun with dad. (and we all know how that goes, we do all the hard stuff and running with the kids and dads get the fun.) so yes he does treat his son VERY differant then my kids, but on the same hand I don't throw myself at my SS eather. he makes it very clear ( even for 10) I'am not his mom, hes more respectful then my kids are but yet very reserved, my husband isn't very strict with him at all, but yet your right he can be quick to point out my flaws as a parent, but I do it to him also.