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BM moving update.

MissK03's picture

Well.. SD brought up how BM was complaining that she get a French tip on her nails and it costs more.. the only thing she does with SD once a month..which is on and off.. 

SD then said how they DID buy a house up north...about 4 hours away.. SS18 brought up it has 4 acres and they said 1-2 years they will be moving.. I think it will be sooner..

SS18 just went out with her for his birthday for dinner.. the only thing he does with her for the year and he goes it's not terrible but then she starts the guilt the tripping....

SS18 and SD15 both confirmed her new go to is.....


"if I could go back I would never would have left your father BLAH F'N BLAH."

I can't. She's just full of shit. I said it too... to the both them. Whatever.



I will add that this comment is really getting to me.. I didn't picture BM saying that.. as much as a piece of shit that she is to  say that she never would have left SO just confirms all these years saying it was about SO and never about the skids... 

Not that I'm worried or anything it's the point... she left SO not once but TWICE! She gets to do whatever the fuck she wants etc and here we are trying to survive but sheeeee would never have left...

I'm mad. 



Rags's picture

house plan is pretty much irrelevant.  Both Skids will be aged out of any requirement to spend time with BM at all. At least for SS-18.  SD will be within months of aging out.

These kids are smart, they have no respect for their mother.  Good for  you for telling them that their BM is full of shit.

Be mad, more enjoyably, relish in how big of a shit BM is.

Take care of you.

MissK03's picture

SS18 and SD15 don't respect her. They know. SS19 doesn't. He thrives for her attention that he didn't get.. who knows what their convos are like because he talks to her the most. He rarely sees her much either though! 

justmakingthebest's picture

I think you are right, she will probably be gone sometime next year. Why buy a house and not live in it? It just doesn't make sense. It's like she is trying to soften the blow of leaving the kids by doing it in stages or something- not that it will make a difference. They see her for who she is.

As for her "shouldn't have left" comment, she's right. She should have been a better wife and mother and not left a good man. It's good that she realizes it. It's also good to know that you have the good man and he loves you- not her. That he has no interest in that hot mess. That your life, while stuggling now, won't be for long. The kids are growing up, your costs will go down, and your life is only going to keep getting better. So don't be mad, smile and know you won. 

MissK03's picture

I get mad at her dumb comments because it is all BS. That's her way of trying to manipulate the kids and twist it to justify her being a POS human being. She doesnt really believe "she shouldn't have left" That's why I said she's full of shit.

It doesn't really work on SS18 and SD15 but SS19 eats everything she says up. 

lieutenant_dad's picture

She is a special breed of stupid, isn't she? Can't blame you at all for being mad at her about this.

Does she realize her kids don't buy her BS? It reminds me of the relationship between my sister and mom. Our mom moved across the country when my sister was 15ish, leaving her with our dad. A year later, the move was a bust and back to Anti-Canada she came EXCEPT she and my SF couldn't afford to live in my sister's school district. My sister also developed a really bad dog allergy (she has bad asthma, so it made it way, way worse) and my mom had a large dog.

So what did our mom do? Live on the other side of the state and keep the dog, meaning my sister couldn't actually stay with our mom even if she wanted to. It ruined their relationship, but my mom refuses to take the blame for it fully. She still contends that she offered for my sister to move with her and my sister chose not to. Well no duh. Dog + cross-country move while an older teen who had been in the same school district since kindergarten + hearing constantly how poor they were living in their new state isn't really an appealing offer. So my mom wants to share the blame. Now she is cutting back on interactions with my sister because she's tired of my sister holding her accountable for basically dropping her as her daughter at 15.

It's rough to watch. I can also empathize with your SS19. My relationship with my mom is VERY different than the one my sister has. I end up torn on how to feel with split loyalty between my mom and sister. My brother, though, is 100% Team Mom and gets beyond frustrated at my sister. He even praises our mom above our dad, who has been letting my brother live with him rent-free for nearly a decade now. It's bizarre to me, but parental loyalties sometimes just make zero sense.

MissK03's picture

She is special. They don't call her out so she thinks they are taking it. She's an attention wh*re too IMHO. When skids said that yesterday SO rolled his eyes and chuckled. He goes I never stopped you from seeing your mom.. or making you guys dinner.. they agreed.

I honestly think to she wanted skids to say something about her "turning back time and never leaving SO." Not that she told them to say something but it's ALWAYS been about SO.

The stories, the drama, the crying, the phone calls, the text messages, all of it that I've witnessed the past 7 years now (time flies) it's NEVER been about her relationship with the kids... it's all about SO. She wanted a forever grasp on him while she's doing whatever she wants.  It's sick in my opinion.

I can empathize with all the skids because of my own issues with my parents..wayyy to much to write about here. Both had mental and drug issues etc. BUT SS19 having her brain helps no one. It's sad. 


notsobad's picture

Never should have left him, Bahahahahahahahaha

BM told the skids that maybe DH wasn't as big an Fing Asshat that she'd alway said he was. I laughed out loud, of course he wasn't then and he isn't now. She always thought that he was the problem, that he was the reason their relationship didn't work, that other men would be so happy to be with her and that they'd appreciate her!

She's had at least 2 serious relationships and the last one is suing her! Maybe, just maybe, she's the problem?

I love it when real life bites these idiots in the ass.

MissK03's picture

They never see it. BM cheated on SO with at least one he knows about...skated out. Was with someone for a year which was hectic from what I heard.. she had no where to go so he took her back after the divorce (for the kids)... that last two months and she was out again... She's been with her now husband for at least 8 years (which she left for someone else in 2017 that last for two weeks because he was a divorced dad of 3 as well) and lives a child free life as skids stopped going over there almost 5 years ago. Before that she took them EOWE. 

So now 10 YEARS after her second leave she should never have left... it's pathetic..and she's just using that line...