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moeilijk's Blog

Some old handles have returned!

moeilijk's picture

Wow, we're so lucky to have some fascinating opinions back on this site. It might be a bit difficult to read through blogs as they are prolific, if nothing else.

In other news, DD5.5 months is rolling both ways!! Well, not at the minute. Now she's in her crib for naptime. Napping? Nope. Still barely sleeps during the day. So I guess she could be rolling around in there right now.

Also, my MIL seems to have finally come to terms with her marriage being over. They haven't been together for about 10 years now. Hopefully the drama will die down a bit now.

She left?

moeilijk's picture

The lady who wanted us to be more supportive while she moved her family in for her parents to support has deleted her blogs!!

I'm so sad. I got offers of marriage, some crushes... and I really enjoyed the crazy ride!

Thank you crazy lady for brightening up my Wednesday night!

OT - Bedtime/Naptime rituals

moeilijk's picture

I'm looking for ideas and advice. I have DD2months, my first child. She sleeps through the night no problem, and usually has 3-4 naps of 20-45 minutes each. She used to be a 'snack-feeder', which took quite a lot of time to figure out because somehow no professional person knew what I was talking about. She now eats every 3 hours, and takes naps!!! She's been on this rhythm for 5 weeks now.
