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Graduation for SD

mom_STEPMOM's picture

I have a 17 year old SD that is graduating this year. My issue is that her mother never wants to pay for anything. Right now she is not employed but she got her income tax just this month. Well she is out spending her money like she has no one to care for. I talked to my husband and mentioned to him that my SD and mother should go half on the grad ring and we pay for pictures, invited, dinner, etc. So all she would need to do is maybe pay 150-200 total, not alot of money. My issue is that if we leave it up to them to get the ring and the mother does not help SD then she will be left without grad ring. If that happens then we will be the MEAN parents. What should we do?


debiamia's picture

My DH and I got stuck for grad pictures (BM talked him into so many pics and we still have them in his desk drawer two years later), class ring, cap and gown and 3/4 of the cost of the party including food. Since my husband came from a poor family and had no class ring, yearbook or pictures he wanted to make sure SD felt well takencare of. My argument was that a 17 year old should contribute something towards the costs ( I paid for 1/2 of my class ring, prom dress, etc.)When my BD graduated in 2004 I included my ex- husband and his wife in the planning and we split it right down the middle. I let them mail out their own invitations, they bought the liquor because they drink more than my guest plus they invited more people. I also shopped the sales for soft drinks, non- perishables far ahead od the party spreading out the costs from February to May. That helped alot. If you do the food yourself with the help of Costco/Sam's or Gordon Foods you can make a nice buffet that is no fuss after it is set up and the price is alot less than catering from a grocery store deli.

Angel's picture

is going to pay for all that stuff. The man/child will just have to do without exhorbant "toys" for a few months.

frustratedinMA's picture

I paid for my own prom and my own class ring when I graduated. This should be the child's responsiblity. The child is old enough to have a job and should be using that money to pay for these extras.

The pics and party my parents paid for. The party was at my home and was my family members. We had food and a cake. Parties dont have to be exorbatant to be memorable.

I can tell you.. I have no idea where my class ring is, and I bought it.. what does THAT tell you?