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Favoritism & apathy (I expected better from SIL)

MorningFlower's picture

SIL has known for 3 years that ours baby "exists" and only came to see him once, that was last June. She stopped by to visit SO's kids first at mil's and then she came by to our place with her bf, the skids and mil. I was ambivalent because it was short notice—we found out that same afternoon that she was coming over— I hadn't met her but she had been acting like her youngest nephew didn't exist for 3 years now despite acknowledging the other nephews and nieces. She's been present since birth for both of SO's kids and BIL's kids. So I didn't know how to feel about her suddenly wanting to come over and meet him.

The whole time SIL was here, the atmosphere felt hostile. Barely anybody made conversation. I was polite and I tried to make small conversation when everyone sat down in the living room but I got quiet once I understood that nobody wanted to talk to me. SIL, the extrovert of the family that I had heard so much about, didn't really talk to me. All SIL did was talk to/about the kids, and she spoke with SO, & Mil in short bursts but no real conversation and no meaningful conversation directed at me. The silence felt awkward and bad, like nobody wanted to be here. Mil didn't do anything to help the situation either and I know she knew what was going on. She's always going on about manners and who didn't speak to her or call her at parties or gatherings. She knew. I felt like she set this whole thing up because she knew it would be an awkward mess. 

SIL was mostly focused on SD and ours baby who were playing together in front of her. At some point during the visit, she made a comment about how ours kiddo looks like SO & it sounded like she was annoyed about it. Sil said "You look like your daddy." and so help me God I could hear the eye roll in her voice... I don't know if it's even possible to hear an eye roll but yeah, her voice was just dripping with attitude and annoyance. It felt... like she was annoyed that ours exists. I don't know how else to explain the vibe I got when she spoke. It made me feel bad. The only person who talked for a little bit towards the end was her bf, because the topic of video games came up & I mentioned forza horizon 5. Soon it went back to awkward silence. 

SIL asked ours for a hug before she left and everyone cooed & awed when he obliged, while I wanted to seethe. It felt like he was being mocked, because I knew she wasn't going to make an effort to be in his life consistently. It was all BS, she was just here to say she met him and get it over with. I cried about it by myself after they left because I was upset. I can't explain how, but I could tell she wouldn't be coming back after this visit. Like, I could just sense it. After everyone left & when I was by myself I cried about how horrible that visit was. I felt flustered and embarrassed. I was happy my family didn't see it because I would have been even more embarrassed if they had witnessed this fracas.

It's been 6 months since, Xmas came and went and not so much as a phone call from her. (and in case you were wondering no, no gift either. Skids got things sent to them in GA, though.) Nothing changed, and I never expected it to. I know we don't need her in our lives, but it gets me mad. I can't help it. It's insulting to see my kid get treated like he's not worth as much attention as his older brother and sister. Now that the kids live in GA, I'm pretty sure sil won't be showing up here again. Part of me feels relieved & part of me hopes she trips & hurts herself. She's a good aunt to all of her other nephews and nieces, how am I not supposed to feel like my child is being singled out & shunned? What am I missing? 


Kes's picture

Honestly, it's not you, it's her.  It sounds like she came around specifically to be nasty to you, and if I were in your shoes I wouldn't tolerate any more visits if she's going to behave like that.  Personally I would be glad if the prospect of this was extremely unlikely. 

MorningFlower's picture

She acted like she was just there for one reason, like she didn't even want to be here. I think she just showed up because mil told her she'd never get away with only visiting the stepkids and then taking off, not without looking like she shunned ours on purpose. SIL called SO that morning with fake shock saying that she didn't know we lived so close by to mil & the skids. But she knew since the getgo that BM was living with mil & very close to us, when it happened it was a big thing in the family that everyone talked about. 

And yeah, now that BM is in GA I doubt Sil will ever show her face around here again, since she only came by to visit SS and SD. Better for me because she gets along more with BM. What hurts is like I said, it didn't have to be this way because she's present for BIL's kids and my stepkids. She's even there for her cousins who recently lost their father. The only one she's shunning is my son. That's really shitty and low. He's a sweet little boy, I wish he hadn't hugged her. She didn't deserve it.

 I'm sorry for going on. I'm bitter and grouchy. 

SeeYouNever's picture

My toddler is great with names and asks about the people in my family all the time, she doesn't even know the names of DHs family. There's a reason for that.

It may be a blessing this SIL isn't involved.

MorningFlower's picture

That's something I think about in regards to the future, SS or SD bringing up "auntie" or "daddy's sister" and ours baby saying "dad has a sister? I didn't know..." Bonus points of it happens at a gathering & within earshot.

thiscantbenormal's picture

As long as skids are not bragging about auntie buying them stuff in front of your child then it shouldn't be a problem. She's a person your kid does not know.  If SIL is not important to you, your kid will feel the same.

My daughter will probably never meet my sister and I hardly ever talk about her so unless she asks me specifically she may end up never knowing I have a sister.  My BIL's estranged wife, over my dead body will this pill popping skank get to play auntie. 

My kids female grandparent role is being filled by her babysitter. My mom sucks, and MIL and GMIL suck as well.

Sometimes the familial roles don't get played out like we hope. Sometimes we have to cut off toxic people and sometimes the trash takes itself out.