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Oppositional Defiant Disorder

MorningFlower's picture

I am looking to hear suggestions and testimonials about having skids with ODD and if/when it evolved into conduct disorder.  How did you cope?

As many things as you want to share with me for the sake of support and venting if needed, I'm here for that too.

My SS 10 has ODD and I suspect it's turning into conduct disorder as his actions are becoming more brazen.


justmakingthebest's picture

My SS20 was diagnosed at 7, but I wasn't in his life until he was 15. I think it was a misdiagnosis for him. He is Autistic and I think the military doctors (along with his exSM/BM2 exaggerating everything) picked the easy button. They went with bi-polar, ODD and ADHD. He has been loaded with meds ever since. I am working to finally get it corrected.

However- Is your SS on any medications to help level him out? What therapy is he in? 

MorningFlower's picture

This has been around for some time now and he is still not in therapy. He lives with BM full time. I started noticing 4 years ago that he was beginning to show signs and now he meets most of the criteria. It's bad being around him. The behavior causes a lot of stress.

tog redux's picture

ODD is arguing, refusing to follow directions, being vindictive, etc.  Conduct Disorder is stealing, fighting, lying, running away, etc. They are really very different. 

thiscantbenormal's picture

Well, sounds like we have alot of BM's with ODD.


My DH's exstepson is ODD with Bipolar Disorder that has a history of stealing, destructive,  and possibly overly sexual. Ive been told some stories. But DH  had that man power to check out emotionally and escape at work.

tog redux's picture

Well, Bipolar can can cause hypersexuality and doing things impulsively. 

Kids with Conduct Disorder are the juvenile delinquent types, not the mood-disordered types. 

thiscantbenormal's picture

I've never seen him act out in person so I don't know if his ODD diagnosis is accurate or the result of poor parenting tied in with the "behavioral problems" with BpD and ADHD.

MorningFlower's picture

It was mostly verbal and brattiness, he was not putting his hands on others before. Now he is. The last time him and SD were here he was shoving and hurting her. He was 9 and she was 3. He was also shoving my son around who is 9. And last May of '19 he got into a fight with a kid who was bothering the other children and stabbed him with a pencil. 

He's still not in therapy at all. He lives with BM (who lives with mil.)

JRI's picture

I'm 75 and not up on these things but now I know what was wrong with all our 5 kids.  Lol.

I'm not minimizing your issues, sorry, just making one if my lame jokes.

Harry's picture

You have a long road ahead of you.  Only way to deal with it is disengagement.  DH is guilty that he gave his son this. So he going to try to help him, thinking' tomorrow he going to get better. When we all know that not going to happen.  It's onlt going to get worst as he gets older and makes friends with other crazy kids.  Only crazy's will be friends with him. 
Drugs, Booz , will follow.  
you must understand there is really nothing you can do.  Mental health professionals, mental drugs, may help if they actually take them. 
so you deal with it anyway you can. 

MorningFlower's picture

I am disengaging. And to be 100% honest I can't stand being around SS because he has been mean to my BS for years. I'm just full of resentment it's not funny.