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musical1's Blog

How Do You Handle The Sadness of Constant Rejection from SD??

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I married into a step-father role with a SD who was 5 yo at the time of my marraige to her mother. Biofather was out of the picture mostly until SD reached the age of 13. SD and I had a great relationship until she hit 13 yo when I had to hold some limits on her, and she did not like that. As a stepdad I did everything a loving father does, and paid for most everything she needed. I loved her as my own child. Then at SD's age of 13 biofather reappeared and started his terrible PAS on steriods behavior, very relentlessly.

Need Ideas On How To Handle Severely PAS'ed 19yo SD-What Do We Do?

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My SD was PAS'ed to the maximum by her biofather for years getting really bad at age 17. SD was promised EVERYTHING by her mostly absent biofather for 4 years including having her rowdy girlfriend come down and live with them, to BMW convertible sports car, laptop computer, live in "country club" home in sunny FL, free access to alchohol, no rules, basically everything he could think of that was expensive, etc.

Any Good To Come From Sending Money to Angry Absent SD??

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My SD was PAS'ed to the maximum by her very angry and manipulative biofather 2 1/2 years ago. Biofather was mostly absent in SD's life until she hit 13 yo, then he suddenly made a lot more contact and turned on the massive PAS behavior and promised Everything imaginable, BMW car, Blackberry, free access to alchohol, etc. finally culminating in the purchase of a "County Club" home in FL and agreeing to let SD's girlfriend come and live with them too! SD gave up on school with us and was failing classes refusing to even go to school demanding to move to FL from VA to live with biofather.