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NevermoreLenore's Blog

Unexpected pride in Stepson

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Or should I be skeeved out?

I saw my stepson playing on the computer around 12:3O and walked over to tell him to wrap it up. Then I looked at the screen.

He was playing a learning medical game about how to use different surgical instruments to disect the human body.

I was very proud that he was doing such an intelligent game and had visions of medical school bloom before my eyes. He has been awful to me lately but I did raise him.

I wanted to blog how proud I am that my stepchild is playing such intelligent games.

The Joshua Young Case

NevermoreLenore's picture

BM defies her ex husband and allows a dangerous SF around her 14 year old son. The SF and his 15 year old bash the boys head in with a pipe as revenge from the SF to BM for getting an abortion!!!

Makes me think of posters here who have husbands dealing w the ex putting the children in unstable situations. Sad

Seeing Red

NevermoreLenore's picture

So I ask my husband if he can exchange my rental DVD when he runs out to get his soda. Its Tuesday and the new releases Id like to see come out. He says sure.

Then as he goes to walk out stepson runs up with him and is like 'Daddeeeeee can I come? Your going to switch that for G.I. Joe or an action movie right?'

Husband goes along w kid. That kid heard me say that I wanted to see something else. Husband knew I wanted to. Am I wrong to feel that right response would have been,'Lenore is watching her movie, how about we talk about YOU picking something out Wednesday?"


NevermoreLenore's picture

Are our blog's pulled up in google? Are they safer or more dangerous than posting in forum?

What do all of the abbreviations mean?

Can I get my stuff deleted if ex wife finds me here?