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It's so unfair!

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We had a fantastic weekend without SS7! We took walks around the block, took BD1 to ride her new tricycle, and watched late night movies while cuddling on the couch. No one had to nag SS7 to do his chores, send him to his room for not sharing, or spank him for talking back. DH and I didn't fight once. Not once.

SS7 will be back from DH's parent's house tomorrow after school and I can feel the anxiety bubbling in my pregnant belly already. We're going to have hell to pay for letting him stay over so long. Although I'm disengaged, the tension in the house makes me crabby and I'm not the happy mommy my BD1 deserves. And when DH gets so frustrated, he punishes SS7 and then hides in his office for the night; which isn't what BD1 deserves either.

It's so UNFAIR!