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Living in a house that DH built with BM

New Stepmom's picture

This could turn into a long story, so beware! Smile I'm just a little hurt, and although I know I'll get over it like I always do, I just want to share the situation and see what your perceptions are, how you would feel in my shoes, or maybe you are in the same situation and can commiserate with me!

When I met DH a little over 4 years ago, I was young (23) and still lived at home with my parents. When we got married after two years of dating, I moved out of their house, and into his. My DH is a farmer and has a bunch of family land that he tends. A few years prior to my meeting him, when he was still with his ex, his grandfather gave him a piece of land to build a house on. He was anxious to live out in the country near his office and crops, however the ex did not particularly want to live in BFE. She finally subsided and went along with it. DH initiatied the house building...he picked out the houseplan and what not. But as you might imagine, she still had her say and picked out wallpaper, paint colors and things like that. Once they moved into the house, she probably didn't live there a full year before she left. I think they were having problems prior to even building this house. So when she left, she moved back to town and let Richard keep the house, being that it was on his family land. He was entitled to it way more than she ever was.

After DH and I met and started getting serious, I would drop hints about things I didn't like in the house. I mean, it's a good sized, nicely built home, but her decorating skills were terrible. The paint colors were all dark and drab and so ten years ago - and wallpaper, ugh, don't get me started. I despise that stuff. Not to mention that when she left, she took a great deal of stuff, so he literally had a couch, a chair and a tv when I first met him. So we started turning the house into a showpiece. We started in one room and made our way through the whole thing - repainted every room, bought new furniture, rearranged things, changed the flooring, changed some of the countertops...all kinds of things. It's taken a long time to get there, but we're almost finished - the kitchen is the last step and I'm not sure when we'll get there. It honestly doesn't look like the same house I stepped foot in a few years ago. DH did all this to help make it feel like my home, and I am appreciative of that.

I still can't help feeling from time to time that it is not my home. It is DH and his ex wife's home that they built together, and now I've just taken her place inside. I guess you can just call it insecurity, I'm not ashamed to say it. It is disheartening that I feel this way. And I don't always feel like this. I mean, I'm proud of the home we've made and so many people comment on how I've turned the place around and such and such, but I just can't seem to kick that feeling that lingers around in the back of my head. It's always in my face that my husband was married before...from communicating with his ex-wife, to having the skids over that he shares with her, to simply coming home in the evening to where she once lived.

Last night we got on this topic and I was very emotional about it (bad time of the month for me). Anyway...DH pretty much ignored every word I was saying and told me to get over it. I never get any sympathy or understanding from him on this topic. He tells me there is nothing he can do. He doesn't want to build another house - and I totally understand that. It's expensive to build a new house, plus we're on the family land right now and they don't want just anyone living there. But maybe all I want is just a little understanding from him. I don't think it is fair that I've been dealt this hand (even though I did choose this life) and I have to just suck it up and deal with it all the time. I should be allowed to express how I'm feeling and I don't think it is too much to have my DH tell me something comforting...anything to show me he views it as OUR home that WE will SHARE for the rest of OUR lives. I don't know...maybe I'm overreacting...what do you all think?


New Stepmom's picture

thanks for your comments. Yes, writing a letter does help usually, so I might do just that. I always feel like he just glazes over as soon as I start trying to communicate to him how I feel. He perceives it as bitching, while all I'm doing is trying to express my feelings.

frances's picture

When my husband and I got married I moved into his house he lived with his ex. She had been gone about 3 years. There wasn't much there either, just a little furniture, hardly any decorations, it was a wreck and all the walls were painted beige. It was hard at first but I went in and turned it into my house. We are stuck there for a while because of finance and having 4 kids in college but we have agreed that when we can afford it we are moving because I want a house that is just ours and he understands. I think if your husband was more comforting to you on the subject it would be easier.

New Stepmom's picture

Very similar here...the skids' names are in the concrete in our garage. Thank GOD hers isn't there, else I would have done something about it!

I tell you, when we got married and got tons of gifts and I started moving my stuff in, I went through that house like a whirlwind. I went through every cabinet, closet and drawer and got rid of ANYTHING that could have belonged to, or been bought by, her. And DH completely understood and supported me in that task. I went through all the kitchen cabinets and got out old cookbooks, dishes, silverware, all kinds of stuff. I boxed it all up and put it outside and DH called her and said there's a bunch of stuff here you might'll have to come over and go through it or else the trash guy will be picking it up. I wanted her to be very clear that although she lived there at one time, that I was not using a dang thing that she left behind. I had my OWN stuff.

ColorMeGone2's picture

I can't say I have had the same experience. We got rid of the car. My first husband was engaged before me and he built a house for them to live in after their marriage and she helped decorate it. They never got married, then he married me and I moved it an redecorated. I didn't have a big problem with it. I came in, took over and made it mine. We divorced later for totally different reasons.

Maybe it would help if you saw this as the victory that it really is. You took a HOUSE that had a dark, ugly center and you gave it life and a beautiful heart. YOU made it a HOME. Men don't always attach the same kind of importance to these things as we do. They see brick and mortar, lumber and nails. We see the softer stuff that make a home. You need to claim this house as your home, your victory. You can't erase history, no matter where you live. All you can do is make some fabulous new history with your DH and your family in YOUR home.



Colorado Girl's picture

I think it's actually good that he doesn't understand your frustration. He is excited about his new life with YOU and has redecorated every piece of her out his home.

You are NOT a replacement. You are the brand spanking new wife. And the ONLY love of his life.

"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley

evilsm's picture

When it comes to this domestic stuff. I know my DH did some pretty stupid things with decor before I moved in, I gradually changed things to the way I like them and he just went with the flow. Men have no idea why women are so attached to making things pretty or making them your own, they just don't have any feelings around that.

Remember, he is your husband, this is your house and you are the queen!


If you want children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders. ~Abigail Van Buren

luvdagirl's picture

I got her house, man ,kid- hell I took the dog too! It slightly bothered me til I ralized that - I got a decent house, beautiful SD, really awesome dog and the most wonderful man. And with all of "her" stuff I live a life I love, besides DH chose me after he wisened up from her crap, I figure that makes me alot more important.

I did alot more work for all that listed above and I figure- she was there when he bought it, but lived here less than a year compared to my 11.
they do sell smaller bags of cement so I think I would fill that in but aside from that enjoy it, he may noy voice it but he chose you after he became a smarter man, you will get alot of moments she didn't- like holding his hand when grandchildren come, sitting together at dinner for the rest of you lives
try to look at it like a pheonix, from the ashes of what they had you two will make something more than they ever could've had.

There is no reason where logic does not exist

Oh Canada's picture

to move BM out of her really nice house and have FH and I move in. Let me tell ya - even though the house is new, big, and beautiful - I said "hell no, no way" to that!

I want my own dream home, thank you very much.

Now we have our own house, it's old, small, and dated (circa 1960) - but it is full of LOVE!

SerendipitySM's picture

Hey there girl - good to see you back!! Good for you, I would never live in any place FH had shared with BM. Makes me ill just thinking about it....

Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. - George Carlin