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SO backed me up AND followed though!!!

newbiemommy's picture

:jawdrop: This NEVER happens.
SO is starting a new job but hes still finishing up at his old job, so he has been gone A LOT. So this morning, he told me he was going to take the day off, he is going to pawn his music equipment so he can pay the mortgage and still stay home. In my head I'm thinking so he can "save" SD11 from me. I had grounded her for the weekend. He actually backed me up, only this time he didn't even question me or get defensive or anything. After he backed me up he asked me private what has been going on with SD11. Well, I DID NOT want to witness him kissing her ass this morning so as soon as he told me he was staying home, I got me and baby ready and skipped out for "errands". What did I come home to? He had SD up and showered and after breakfast sent her right back to her grounding! I was shocked. Usually every day gets a "new start", and he has a hard time with groundings, he
still gives little time-outs. I even made a comment and he said that he was trying to keep in mind our conversation about him getting too defensive of her and putting her on a pedestal. I can't believe he even listened. I KNOW she was so excited that daddddeeee was staying home, I bet it just tore her up that he actually stuck with me. I *might* suggest an early release tomorrow so he can enjoy his weekend too. I know this is so hard for him. Maybe this can be a new trend.


Pook's picture

Yes newbiemommy, there IS a Santa Claus!!

Congrats on feeling empowered and validated... not a bad way to start your day, is it? Smile