NicoleRB's Blog
Tit for Tat
What is worse-- when your SKs are overly polite and you sense that they are struggling and "coping" with your existence or when they are just real.
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erased step mom
Many of you know my story. I have been w my now DH for 6 years, happily married for almost 2 now and we have 4 kids between us (the 3 teen boys, two our mine, one is his) all live with us half time even though my SS is in college now. His daughter (what would have been my SD14) moved out about 4 months before we married, despite our 50 50 custody and we didn't fight it because she was severely depressed and even mentioning harming herself because she claimed she was miserable with us and wanted to be with her mother and dog. It has been 2+ years since she has been gone-- and what we didn
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DHs sisters take niece (SD13) out to celebrate bday despite the fact that she shuns us!
We have 4 kids total, my SD19 is at college & my DH & I went to visit him for the weekend while my Bio sons (14 & 17) are at their Dad's (we have 50/50 custody of all kids but SD13 left 2 yrs ago by choice to go to BM).
Graduation party out of the blue-- tough love or no?
OK-- quick poll, should we take the bait and offer an invite to my 13SD (who refuses to live with us or make us a part of her life) to my 18SS's (her bio brother's) graduation party this weekend at our house?
Background below if you need it:
Uggs and ugh!
Ok so for those of you who know my story I'm the SM that has a 13SD that has left our house for the past 10 months with few to little calls to her Dad. Since she left her stuff is all still at our place where she lived 1/2 time with us over the past 4 years w our 3 other kids.
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Not a part of our lives anymore by choice, but of course took all the gifts
Having a hard time even though it is now 2022 and this just occurred this past Xmas and Xmas eve holidays. Our (my DH and I have been together for 5 years married for almost a year now). We lived as a blended family his 2 kids and mine for 4 of the 5 years before we got married. He has a 13D and 18S and I have a 14S and 17S and we have the kids 50% custody. They are all on the same schedule. This year his 13D asked to move in with her BM full time. This means she only sees her brother half time and no longer sees her Dad or me and my sons anymore. She moved out and has dropped off th
Is it possible to hold a child (who claims that they have mental health challenges) accountable for their bad behavior?
I go back and forth with this all the time. My 13SD who really isn't my SD as she no longer lives with us or sees us at all...she behaves horriibly to her father, obviously is angry at him for remarrying, so doesn't want anything to do with him at all. She left 6 months ago to live with BM full time and because she has been struggling social-emotionally so badly, everyone (my DH and his ex-wfe the BM and pretty my DH's family of siblings who give him advice), all told him to back way off and let her do what keeps her happy because she has been struggling with depression and making suicid
what's a wrong-pegged wicked stepmother to do on Xmas eve?
For those that might remember my story, I am the high school guidance counselor that has a 13SD that unfairly hates my guts and her Dad's. This is particularly hard for the upcoming holiday because 6 months ago (after living with all of us 50% time (my sons and her brother for 4 years) she went to live with her BM full time. We were totally cool with that, even suggested it, because she seemed so miserable. What we didn't anticipate is her dropping off the grid entirely since that time. No calls to her Dad, no visits to the house, nothing, it is like she dissappeared from our lives. H
Weird Resentment of my Wonderful DH
I am having what I'd call irrational resentment and anger towards my DH (we've been together for 4 years but recently married and have been married only for 4 months). Our marriage coincided with his 13 BD moving out (depsite the fact that we share 50% custody of her) to live with her BM full time. We have 3 other kids (2 are my biological sons that are teens and one is his teen son), we haven't run into this challenge with the boys, they have been pretty norrmal and accepting of things. We'd all been living together for about 4 years and I thought we had a pretty nice l
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Anyone have one SK that doesn’t live w u the same % time as others?
I have blogged before about my SD12 who is not happy in our house. We are a blended family living together for 4 years now and it is us, newly married this July, my SS17, my two sons 16 & 12 and my SD12 we have the kids 50% time all together. My SD12 is codependent on BM, and I have tried everything to connect with her, but she is miserable when she is with us.