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Got another one for ya !

nodramastepmama's picture

So we signed SS7 up for hockey this year. Normally his mom signs him up because it says in our order that she pays for all extra-curricular and sporting activities. Well, she kept putting it off to sign him up, SS7 loves hockey, so we just went ahead and signed him up ourselves and paid for it. This is his 4th year in hockey and his mom has supported him all the other years.

Well apparently, now that it's on our dime and not hers, she refuses to take him to practice when it's her time with him. DH even offered to take him and drop him off but she refused. She lied and said that SS7 told her he hates hockey and doesn't want to do it. When he got to our house the next night he told us that his mom just went up to him and said "you're not going to hockey tonight because your daddy is mean."

Is there any legal action we have here to make her take him or allow us to?


stepmama2one's picture

If it doesnt say it in the paperwork then no you cant make her take him while he is with her. I know it sucks because it should be about the child but thats just the way it is sometimes. Now you can try to modify the order you guys have but of course that takes time, money and a whole lot of waiting. So unless you can get her to get her head out of her ass then it may just be a waste of time. My SD used to have to deal with this crap when BM wouldnt take her to anything on her time either. When we went back to court to modify custody it didnt look good on her that we were even offering to take SD and she would say no. But now that we have custody and a new order it states that if SD is enrolled in something and she is with her mother then her mother has to take her. It also says that if her mother cant take her she is to call us a couple hours ahead of time and let us take SD to whatever she has going on...

hanneyh1's picture

We kept a book once of every interaction we had with my SD4's BM. (A little different topic, but similar story) We recorded every detail from any tardiness (which was very common on BM's part) to any comments or actions we saw or were told by whoever was exchanging SD with us (because BM never would be around to do it). We even had a temporary grant of custody by the court system when BM and HER mom got into a fist fight IN FRONT OF SD!!! After almost 4 months of recorded meetings and the BM's arrest for the fight as well as not paying child support (which is going through the process now), and we STILL didn't get any change in our custody order... That's the problem with the courts being so hung up on a kid "needing" their "mothers". I expect many years more of recording meetings and filing complaints with FOC before we see any change for the better for SD.

nodramastepmama's picture

That's interesting that you mention that hanneyh1! We have a binder for SS7 that we've had for about 2 years. I record everything .. her not showing up to any of his sports (games AND practices), her not doing any exchanges, emails that she's sent to FDH that aren't friendly and admit she puts her job (as a cheer coach) ahead of her son. Also emails that HER mother has sent FDH that were very harrassing and rude. We also record any comments that SS7 says .. we keep all receipts showing that we buy all his school clothes, winter wear, etc .. and there are alot of text messages that she sent that admit she never has him, or that she would go party when we asked if we could have him and she'd refuse. We talked to a paralegal and she said to document EVERYTHING so we're hoping to take her back to court someday. The thing that we're most scared of is losing custody of him .. it's 50/50 right now .. and the courts are so stupid about letting the mom's have the kids NO MATTER WHAT!