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How Much is Too Much?

pastepmomof3's picture

My SS is 8 and he has a very busy schedule during the week. Monday through Friday he goes to school and then he has evening activities Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, which does not get him home until 8:30-9PM most nights. He just got signed up for another event which is directly after school but on the nights that he has other activities, he has 2 hours to fit in getting home, getting fed, and doing homework before running off to something else.

When his mom dropped him off yesterday, he was sleeping, and he was so sleepy the whole evening. He was telling me about a couple tests he had yesterday and he told me he wasn't sure how he did. I asked him if he had a chance to study, and he said yeah, after he got home from dance (which lasts until 8:30). So that tells me that he didn't get to bed until at least 10.

I'm concerned that his grades are going to start falling and he will need to decide between his schoolwork and extra-curricular activities. I've already said something to DH about this in hopes that he will say something to SS's BM, but I don't think he understands my concern.

Your thoughts?


distorted reality's picture

I think this is a common occurence with kids and extra-curricular activities. Some parents push their kids in to every activity under the sun, thinking that the structure is a good thing. It is... to a degree. That being said, when the kids are too 'scheduled' and their school work and life in general suffers, it stops being a good thing. Maybe it is time to talk about scaling things back a little. He is only 8. When does he get to be a kid??? Sorry, JMHO.

Best wishes.

pastepmomof3's picture

Thanks. I completely agree. I think it's good for him to be involved in extra-curricular activities. However, the schoolwork is starting to suffer and i don't want to turn a blind eye to it. This is the first mention of "not having time" to study or prepare for a test. I keep going back to the fact that he's 8 - NOW is the time to get him into the groove of what is required and understanding that school should be his first priority - and his mother's. She has him in all of this stuff - now multiply that by 3 (because she has 2 older kids besides SS) that she is trying to put into all of these activities. Even if SS gets done with an activity early, he's still just in the car riding around collecting his older siblings from their activities.

distorted reality's picture

Looks like another sit-down with DH is in order. Explain it just like you did here. You made perfect sense and he should be happy that you're looking out for his kid this way.

Best of luck.