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nokidsofmyown's Blog


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I know I wasn't that great of a participant in this site, but it did help. I'm leaving now, though because I finally decided I'd had enough of it all. I can't take care of everyone else anymore. I need to take care of myself.

My husband was hospitalized over 3 months ago and our relationship broke apart. Well, actually, it was more like, I "found myself" and came back to being me, and realized I liked ME! So I decided to leave him and the skids all behind (they live with biomom anyway).

Been Away - Life's Dramas

nokidsofmyown's picture

Just got back on this site. It seems my internet life and my personal life can get kind of overwhelming. I try hard to make the rounds with all the things I belong to and run online, but sometimes I just slack. I am just really not that much into sites such as facebook and myspace, I think they leave more trails for people to track you down and annoy you much less complete annoying strangers!

My Story

nokidsofmyown's picture

I've been on the step-scene for a little over a year now and I really don't have too many expectations as being a step-parent. As a matter of fact, I don't really like being called a parent at all.

I was flung into my current situation after practically living with the father of 3 for almost 2 years prior to an emergency room visit that hurled 3 skids forcefully at me.