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Not My Real Mom's Blog

Has anyone every seen the show "Reba?"

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If so, please let me know your opinion. Here is mine; as much as I like Reba McIntyre, I do not like the way the stepmother is portrayed in that show, like some bumbling idiot without a clue. It is very insulting and demeans/belittles stepmothers.

Nobody wins a prize or anything. I'm just curious how others feel about it. Thanks.

Failing Photography?

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Thanks for all your support. Tonight SD15 made it clear that she's failing photography. How can you fail photography? She wants DH to make it all better by emailing the teacher and giving some excuse as to why she didn't do her project during holiday vacation. He actually told her no way. I couldn't believe it. Last week they took a day trip to NYC (before New Years) and she took pictures there. She asked DH to find out from her teacher if she could show those pictures. She was supposed to take pictures of Valley Forge, which is only 2-1/2 miles away from us.

Nasty SD15 ruined the Holidays once more

Not My Real Mom's picture

This whole past week and a half has been a blur. On Xmas Eve we went to my sister-in-law's house for her annual party. SD15 made deserts, etc. I helped her make them because she asked for my help. I carried her deserts in the house for her because she couldn't reach them on her side of the car. I greeted my SIL (DH's brother's wife) Merry Xmas. I asked SD15 where she wanted the deserts, upstairs near the kitchen or the family room where the party was set up.