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Home Again, Home Again...

not your momma's picture

...having some re-entry issues, but it's not anywhere close to as bad as I thought it would be. I was very nervous about moving home again, but it's been almost normal. It's making me nervous. The 20 year old is talking to me again (sometimes, but it's something). I actually haven't seen the 16 year old in more than a week. Everything else is normal.

The 16 year old turns 17 tomorrow. Tradition is that the birthday boy (or girl, though we're outnumbered), chooses a restaurant for dinner and the whole "family" goes. SO asked me the other day what WE should do for his son. I tried not to laugh, but a snicker might have come out. I'm not going to dinner with them. I made told SO that and he asked why.


What I SHOULD have said: Because I don't want to be with people who have flat out said that they will never respect me. Because your kid hates me and I don't feel like subjecting myself to hostility for hours at a time. Because I don't feel like celebrating the existence of someone who wishes I was gone.

What I ACTUALLY said: Because I want him to have a HAPPY birthday.
