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notimpossible's Blog

Thank You all for your great advice, I finally made a decision to leave him.

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I don't have to blog anymore thank you all for being there when I needed someone to talk too. I made a decision I told my Ex-finace to move out and never leave his children for me or anyone else. I told him he needed to get his life together with his children. I took Ya'll advice; you guys were right there is no need for him to leave his children for me, I a grown women and his children are just starting out, they need him more right now. Thank You all and may God Bless You! It's a tough postion being a step-mom and my hat off out to all of you.

My fiancé is willing to give up his bio children for me. HELP!

notimpossible's picture

BM was suppose to get married and she got cold feet and started constantly calling my house and my fiancé cell phone to talk about their bio children. My fiancé lives in my house for free because he lost his job and I have cared for his children and supported him. My fiancé has full custody of children 4, 5, 7. Fiance and BM have terrible fights for 2-years since he moved in with me. BM told me that my fiancé calls her , makes excuses to talk to her and still loves her, she also told me that the only reason why he is with me is because of money security.

First Timer! I want Fiancee to give kids away!

notimpossible's picture

My Fiancée slowly moved in my house with his three children age 2, 3, and 4. He said, bio-mom left with a boyfriend a year ago because their 4 year old was molested by bio-mom boyfriend and she choose boyfriend over her own bio-children. Three years later after I gave them shelter, clothing, food, trips, and psychological therapy, they call me mom. Finally, when I think that my life has been filled with beautiful wonderful children. THE Bio B**** Mom RETURNS, to our lives because child molester boyfriend left her.