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Fire From My Eyes!

NotTheRealMom's picture

I finally sat down and vented tonight. I was intense, if I don't say so myself. I feel like even though I'm not 'therealmom', I've done enough and sacrificed enough to, at the very least, get the respect that a 'real' mom would get. Apparently, everything is not such a bad mood right now, I will scream....did you hear that?!?!


NotTheRealMom's picture

OMG....this is the 'disengage' moment. This is suddenly not as hard as I thought it would be.... Smile
Any idiot can face a crisis - it's day to day living that wears you out.
Anton Chekhov

marika's picture

That is the most magical word in the language. I learned it here and when I started applying it, albeit in baby steps, my life changed for the better. It will save your sanity, lower your blood pressure and remind you that you are a human being who deserves respect. It will also teach your partner just how much you HAD been doing and how much he SHOULD HAVE been doing.

chaoticsteplife's picture

I agree with might just be the right time to start practicing the disengage drill.
Isn't it a horrible feeling when you feel so taken for granted like that and all the things you do just aren't recognized and never seem to be enough?
Grrrrr I feel your frustration !