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DH finnaly says something to SD14

porcelian-doll's picture

DH went over to BMs house to do something nice and drop off SD14s laptop. The laptop usually stays at our house but DH was trying to be nice since SD has been "changing" and acting more grown up. When he goes to drop it off SD can't even say thank you. DH told me she just snatched the laptop and said " Why didn't you tell me you were having a baby with her? That baby wont be anything to me. I cant love anything that comes from her". She actually tried to slam the door in DHs face. DH said he took the laptop back and gave her a stern talking to. Now my DH has quite the temper so I can only imagine what he said. I find it funny. I don't care anymore if SD cares for my baby because it would be better off without her as a sister. I am pregnant and happy and I'm not letting her dark cloud take up anymore of my space.


Kilgore SMom's picture

I would keep a eye on her. Glad DH took the lap top back and said something to her.

oneoffour's picture

I would love to see her face when DH took it back!
I think what happens is the behaviour is fed and nurtured by the BM. So in her teeny tiny world she thinks she is right. However in the real world she is waaay out of line.