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exhaustipated - too tired to give a sh*t

onceuponatime's picture

I'm tired of not even getting enough sleep to hit the REM stage. I can't remember the last night I slept long enough to even have a dream. Sometimes I just want to make the skids stay up as late as I have to just to get everything done and then make them come to work with me at the crack of dawn. I want to make the kids stay awake all day at work with me, then run errands, come home, clean, cook, etc. I want to make the kids walk a day in my shoes so they can feel exhaustipated too. Maybe that makes me a bit*h but at this point, I don't care.


overworkedmom's picture

That makes you a mom, hun! Especially when you do all that and then ask one of them to bring you a cup from the living room while you are doing the dishes only to hear "God! I do everything around here!". Oh yeah, that is when this momma goes batshit crazy on them (my bio's included)!

All you need is a couple of days off. Do you have any girlfriends or a sister that have no kids that you can have a girls night with?

onceuponatime's picture

I am in desperate need of a day off. Ironically, I am the only female in my group of friends that does not have children. I've tried to make plans a few times but they keep getting botched up for one reason or another. Last week me and my SO were going to the bowling alley (he is on the league) and we were supposed to go alone but again we ended up having to bring the kids and I got stuck having to watch them and chase them down and clean up their messes. Before that, we were supposed to go to the movies just me and my SO but the kids ended up going and instead of seeig prometheus we saw madagascar 3. it always ends up like that. I tried to go to a spa party with a friend of mine recently but then my SO jumped up and said to take SD4 with me cause she will have fun. She was standing right there so she got all excited and there was no telling her no at that point. It would make me out to be the bad guy on the situation. the only break from the kids I get is when I am at work. And that is anything but stress free! I don't feel like a mom. I feel so selfish for wanting some time to myself. I feel like a bad person for that being as they are just kids.

onceuponatime's picture

no SD4 and SS6. I get them to pick up their toys but it is such a chore. They will pick up one thing and ask where it goes even though they already know. Once they take a toy back to their room they stay back there and play with stuff. They need constant redirection and fight over who gets to do what. If I was deaf, I would just turn off my hearing aid and let them have at it! I wish they could at least wash dishes. That's always a great punishment for kids!!

kitty1470's picture

And thats why I disengaged. When the Skids are over, I sleep in til I feel like it and then I lay in front of the couch and watch tv, or read. Then I have a nap. SO is responsible for cooking for them and watching them and getting up with them.