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onceuponatime's picture

Well, after several complications I finally got SO off on the plane to the east coast yesterday. He left me with $12 to get back home. I had about 2 hours traveling time. By the grace of God I made it home, the low fuel light on and no money, but I made it home. I guess he wanted to make sure I didn't have money or gas to do anything while he was gone. I don't know. either way, he should be at his BMs house soon and will be able to see his daughter. SD14 has to have a shunt put in her brain. The surgery was supposed to be on monday but her vitals were not stable so they couldn't operate. Hopefully she can get operation done today or tomorrow.

I hate that I have to worry that he will sleep with BM while he is there. I know that should be the least of my worries but I can't help it. He is staying at BMs house (my SO tells me she has a SO of her own) so it's very hard to trust him when I'm in another time zone. He told me he had nothing here and at least on the east coast he can be near his kids and see them. He told me to pick him up from the airport next tuesday but I don't know if he is even coming back. he may decide to set up shop there and I'll still be here. I guess only time will tell.

I am doing okay though. I thoroughly enjoyed sitting at home with my two dogs and just relaxing in the silence last night. And no sports on tv was just a bonus for me!

Again, I wanted to say thanks to everyone who has reached out to me and given their advice or even just 5 minutes of their time to read my story. I honestly have no idea how I ended up in this position or why I am so hesitant to leave other than being scared to have to be all alone again with zero help again. There just has to be more to life than working two jobs just to barely get by and still can't buy food without the help of a SO that hurts me in every way he can. And for some stupid reason, I let him. Don't get me wrong, when he comes at me verbally, I just sit there and let him rant and rave. If i talk, no matter what I say (even if i agree with him), it gets worse. When it does turn physical, I do stand up for myself and fight back. I don't think he is used to that though. I can hold my own fairly well, I have left marks on him too. I refuse to just sit back and take it, I just don't understand why I am okay with everything else.

I just feel like such a statistic.


Gabriels Mom's picture

Leave. This is the perfect time to do it. He's all the way across the country...Just disappear. Where do you live? I will look up a shelter for you. You do not have to live this way.

Fading's picture

It is my understanding that YOU own the house you two live in right? If that is the case, throw all his shit out and change the locks. See if you can find a roommate (I'd recommend either a butch (non-gay) female or super-stacked gay man for a safety in numbers factor). Then file a restraining order that states he can come get his shit if a cop escorts but other than that if he steps within 50 miles of you, he's fair game for snipers. And all the stuff you bought together on loan? See if you can return it, if not, see if you can have someone take over it (like a car, sometimes you can transfer the loan to another person if they want to take over the loan). Regardless, get that snivvling, knivving, man-slore of a douche ninny out of your house and out of your LIFE. Do NOT pick him up at the airport. Do NOT answer his calls. Do NOT allow him into your home. Just have Agent Nutcracker at the gate to serve him with his RO and be done with him. He's a waste of air and a waste of flesh. There isn't a 10 dollar bill worth that shit nor is there a dick worth dealing with that crappola. Get rid of him. You will be much happier, whether or not you have to struggle a bit. When you are buried up to your throat in shit, you have to struggle to get out, or get swallowed up in it. It's NOT worth it. This bro-whore has how many flippin crib midgets from how many exvags? He will not hesitate to knock you up and leave you hangin too. Then you'll have to pay all your bills and take care of a baby too, doubtful you'd get any help from his "I am HeMan" ass. Toss, lock him, drop him.

RedWingsFan's picture

I agree with all of the other posters here and have told you of my experience with the same type of man. He almost literally murdered me...PLEASE do something. GET OUT OF THAT SITUATION NOW!

File for a restraining order, pack his stuff and leave it outside for him. Change the locks. Just do it. You'll thank us all for the advice later.

so.tired's picture

PLEASE, please follow the advice the other ladies have offered. They have covered every detail so I have little to add..don't let him back into your life! Call a shelter to find out how to file the RO, go to the local police station and make sure they have a copy. The RO will enrage him, because this type of man does not have any respect for the law or anyone else in the way of what he wants. He blames everyone for everything he doesnt like. Its always someone elses fault. I have been there-but I had children in the house(not his), I wasnt allowed to be alone, I never had the opportunity with him leaving the area. Beaten, raped, and abused in many ways- but when he went after my daughter I found out how badly I had lost my mind by sitting there and taking it for all those months. This is textbook abuse and once you have time to reflect without the "loving" memories and disbelief- you will see it. Find a womens group to meet with and learn! It took counseling with a sexual violence group, group counseling with other abused women and individual counseling on self esteem for a long time for me to see the relationship for what it REALLY was...I read your last post and have been worried about you since, thank you for the update. I had to create an acount just to be able to reaffirm what the other ladies are saying. Do it on faith, for YOURSELF! You will see that you are WORTH it in time!

onceuponatime's picture

I know I need to hear all of this from other people. I have had most of these thoughts myself already. Yes, I do own the house. I busted my ass to get finish college, buy a home, and start a career. I wanted a family next. I should have been more specific on the type of family I wanted though lol. I do wonder if he is even coming back. He said he was when I asked him point blank on Monday. Then he said I didn't ever have to ask that again and he was always coming home. He tried to tell me the blackouts will stop, etc. Everything has been so hectic and crazy lately that for right now, I am taking today and tomorrow to just relax and regroup and find my inner strength. Then over the weekend I am going to make a decision on how to proceed. right now, I just want to catch my breath.

lawyergirl06's picture

I'm confused about a few things? Your first blog said that you have six skids and they were living with you in your house and you were having problems paying all the bills. Your later blogs say that you have 2 that visit and you have never met the others? I am understandably confused about this. Is this a new boyfriend who also has a ton of kids? I just need some clarification.

Brady_Bunch_plus_some's picture

This is why I haven't bothered to respond to these blogs. I feel "Crewed".

StepX2's picture

Onceuponatime, your first post dated 6/21/12, you stated that your SO had 6 kids with 3 different BMs between the ages of 1 yr - 6 years old. You also stated that at the time they were all staying with you. By 6/25/12 you posted that all but the SD4 & SS6 were now back with their BM (singular, don't know if that was a typo or you don't have your "story" straight)
By 9/11/12 you were posting that your SO had 7 kids with 4 different BMs and that he even possibly had an 8th kid out there (a 13/14 yr old) but he was waiting for a paternity test. You also stated in that same post that the kids were between the ages of 4 yrs - 14 years and that you had never met any of the other SKids besides the 2 living with you.

One of two things is going on here...either you are so out of your mind from substance abuse or these beatings & "choking outs" that you report you are receiving from your SO...OR...everything you are posting is just BS, which I pray for the latter but if so, shame on you for playing with people on this site. It won't be the first time it has happened on STalk but you have people almost screaming advice to you for fear of your safety and if things are as bad as you say they are, you are a fool for allowing this loser in your life.
I've been a an abusive situation much worse than what you describe and yes, low-self esteem plays a role (either already had it or it was beaten into you) in staying initially but really, is having someone to help financially or the fear of being alone worth going through life as you describe.
I truly feel for you if your situation is real but I am having doubts when you feel you can take a couple days to "relax" during what would be the best time to create a plan to get rid of your abuser. If this is real.

lawyergirl06's picture


I am also confused how he can say he has nothing here for him but doesn't he have two kids in your home that he has custody of?