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Wacjobs newest entry on her fake facebook page

onebright1's picture

Now a days children seem to take the qualities good an bad from their influences ie parents... It amazes me that a persons child can get away with threatening to hurt my children, and then tripping my child on purpose making her fall into a mud puddle and leaving her with my oldest to clean her up, real responsible,
3 hours ago via Mobile Web
Since the other parent and the new person can't seem to be responsible,I guess I will have to take matters in my own hands to protect my children from the neglect, abuse and harm that this person is causing them. Some people shouldn't be allowed to breed let alone be called a parent. 3 hours ago

A few things here, 1 is either Wacjob is lying or SD16 has lied to her mom. My dd6 did NOT trip or threaten to hurt her kid. As a matter of fact my dd6 was still walking up to where stwin7 fell in the mud in her easter dress because they took off running even though I told them to wait for us. SD 16 was back closer in range to me than her stwin sisters. So she couldnt have seen it either. 2 PROJECTION? ya think? she is the nutjob who should have been sterilized at f-in birth. 3 SD16s grandfather told her to take the hard of hearing stwin to the restroom to get cleaned up and I went back to the van with my dd6 and the other stwin7 to get a change of clothes and then took them to sd16 who then took her sister in to the restroom to change.
I was NOT gonna go into the restroom and have Wacjob hear about that and make up more outrageous stories to make her MOTY. by having to save her demon children from the horrible and wicked abusing, neglectful Onebright1........

Ya know, I try so freaking hard to think before every action with these skids and every comment. I worry how its gonna get back to Wacjob and how she or they are gonna twist it.
I teach my kids kindness and love and humility. I promise all of you that my dd6 didnt hurt or trip her kid. Hell, my dd6 cried at a basketball game cuz her and another girl ran into each other and dd6 is very tall for her age and it knocked the other girl on her heiny and she was fine but my dd6 cried because "she ran off and I didnt get to tell her I was sooorrrry wah"
Anyway, I dunno if Wacjob is convincing these skids dd6 did this or if they told her it happend this way or what. But I do know, that it was most likely sd16 that relayed this to bm, and I will never take her anywhere EVER again. I dont think the stwins told bm. And I just know, cuz sd16 wont look at me or speak to me and if she has to (like to give me directions) she is very snotty and hateful. She is her mother, even built like her and sounds like her.

Well that vent didnt help any, Am still ticked..........


GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

The thing about Facebook is that it encourages a duality in people. Anyone can get on Facebook, or as I call it "Farcebook" and create a page depicting a total fantasy life whether it's theirs or someone else's.

onebright1's picture

I know. Right?
Yeah definitely not haveing another thing to do with sd16. Done. Finished. I will even give my BF permission to treat my kids this way if they should ever treat him the way I have been treated. But guess what? They wont!
And Maux,
I knew what you meant, I should actually start calling her Wacjob jr. She is sooooo much like her mom.

smof5's picture

BM2 likes to belittle my DH on fb too.. and then all her friends take her side of a story that is totally twisted or not even the truth at all.. she just wants to make herself feel like a better mother and for DH to "look" like a worthless "sperm donor" as she calls him.. I ended up blocking her because it was making my blood pressure rise everytime her stuff would pop up