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That was eeeww and strange and weird.

onebright1's picture

Last nite when I got home from working the restaurant with SO at midnite, I got home about 5 min before him. My BD was at her Gmas for the nite and apparently MIL had sent all SGirls home with SD 18 at 11:30pm. I walked in the front door and SD18 was on the loveseat in just a tshirt and underwear with a blanket over her lap. I thot that was strange in itself and thot she had shorts on. But I just said hello and went upstairs to get a shower. I heard SO come in and start talking so I looked over the stair wall (its all open up to the ceiling) and he is standing there talking to SD18 who has now 'let' the blanket fall to the floor and has her underwear on but has them hiked up her side to where it almost looks like she has none on. She is not a small girl. Not obese but not small. She wears a size 18. and is very tall.
I didnt say anything to him. And Im not gonna. Ive learned by now he will just say something about how he thinks its cool that his girls are "comfortable around him"
Only SD18 and the the 9 yo stwins do this kinda manipulating. And that is what it is and it makes me sick. This is when she chose to ask him about money she needed and if he would look at her car(which is actually BMs car.)
I wonder if these guys (dads) really dont see what these whorey daughters are trying to do to them or if they just pretend they dont see it so they can keep on seeing it?
Im feeling kinda mean today and figured I would voice it here instead of to him.


StickAFork's picture

What is "manipulative" about it?
Kinda gross, yes. I can see "being comfortable" but this is kinda... ew.
I just don't get "manipulative" from it.
And I'll DD12 is VERY comfortable in her own skin. I'm constantly reminding her that she has two brothers, a stepfather, and a grandfather who don't want to be seeing all her business. Wink

onebright1's picture

I see it that way because this is something she hasnt done in the year and a half I ve been here. Never , once. nadda.
and the cover was over her until Dad walked in and then *poof* gone.
And she is leaving for college in June and all of a sudden she speaks to him. She hasnt in 3 years. And She has run away from him at any school functions that her mom is present at for the last 3 years. And she has called cps on us as recently as last August.
So now all of a sudden she is "comfortable? And chooses that moment in time to ask for him to fix her/BMs car and ask for money?
Seems to me like its a set up. For what? I dunno... Maybe manipulative isnt the right word, but it fits to me.

RedWingsFan's picture

EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, 18 is an adult. She KNOWS exactly what she's doing. And dear dad needs to make her STOP...

onebright1's picture

RWF and Ana, Thats my point. I wouldnt do that around my dad then or now. Its just not right.

onebright1's picture

Thanks yoooouuuu guuuyyys Wink I always doubt myself if I am overreacting. But yeah, she IS 18 AND she never did this before now.
She also has started this new thing of if SO and I are standing close talking she will walk up to us and squeeze through us instead of going around???
ANd yesterday when he and I were in the kitchen talking like this, he had his back to sgirls who were at the dining table, she did that squeeze through thing and said " aaaww Onebright had him trapped all to herself for a minute"