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Told to misbehave

peanut11's picture

So SS6 is a pretty good kid with us. We seemed to have reached a point where SS no longer misbehaves constantly and we as adults have improved our parenting skills so yelling is no longer the norm. All in all things have been looking up for us and SS knows what is acceptable with us. On Monday morning when getting ready for school which he did not want to do he threw his first full on tantrum; kicking, screaming, the works. Well dh handled the situation and on the way to school SS said he was sorry and perceded to tell DH why he misbehaved. His mother a few days earlier told him that he could no longer get away with his bad behaviour at her place but should try and get away with it at his fathers house. Now this may seem like a made up story to most however knowing what BM is like its completly believable. She hates how we have a well behaved kid at our house and are no longer having to fight him on everything. She would perfer him hating us and not wanting to be with us. Well we won this battle so I wonder how she will up her game next week. The really sad thing is that SS is constantly telling us the bad things she says about us and asking us if its true. At least I have a SS that is trying to resist being just like his mother.


Auteur's picture

I totally believe it. It's not an uncommon PAS technique and ultimately used as a weapon to divide and conquer so as to wreck biodad's relationship with SM. It goes part and parcel with the BM telling skids that when they go to "dad's house" they shouldn't have to lift a finger and should be catered to and indulged the whole time by daddykins. SM should be, as usual, ignored as the scullery maid.

Ommy's picture

I believe it. BM had FSD3 rip out my earring to get a new doll. She also told FSD3 that it was funny to hit, kick, and overall physically abuse me. The sick 3 year old would actually laugh each time she did something. I was reading a book in the living room and she was helping FDH make dinner. He told her to ask me what I wanted to drink so she walked up and slapped me acrossed the face and laughed about it historically. BMs will do anything to make our lives miserble.

Anonymous_stepmom's picture

Maybe she said it in a sarcastic manner? Just saying because the skids behave horribly for their mother and she has told them once or twice try it with your father and see where it leads you, in a way like you won't get away with it there either. Or you could be correct and she's trying to start shit?