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Wipe it yourself!!

peanut11's picture

Your almost 7 years old you need to stop making DH do it for you! SS excuse "my mom does it for me at her house." BM your not doing your son any favors, he needs to be able to do it for him self. If you want your son to be able to function in the real world you have to let him grow up.


mlmt1128's picture

My dd is 6. She has been doing that for herself since she was potty trained. SS was the same way as yours. DH made him do it himself, as no one needs to wipe someone else's ass. And I was not about to do it for him.

misscinna's picture

OMG I WENT THROUGH THIS TOO! ss3 refuses to let anyone even come in the bathroom (I potty trained him *looks smug*) sd5 (almost 6) still occasionally asks to have her ass wiped! We haven't done that for her since she was 3. FDH was doing it and I put a red hot stop to it. I told him you have to be fricken kidding me! Thats part of learning to toilet. IF she skid marks up her undies I'll wash em or toss em! He went along with it but thought that maybe I was wrong and she did need help. then ss3 potty trained at 2 and he realized that if ss could wipe his own ass at 2 then sd who was still asking to be wiped at 4 could do it too. Thats when things got interesting. FDH became grossed out that he had been wiping sd5 all that time! She had quit asking me a loooong time ago and she still was asking him. He marched up to the bathroom and told her how it was. He told her she was a big girl and that it was gross to be wiped by mom and dad at 4 and that she could definitely do it herself. He told her she wasn't going to be allowed to go to kindergarten if she couldn't wipe her own butt as there would be no teachers there to do it for her and moreover it was inappropriate for anyone but a doctor to look at her down there unless it was him,mom, or me if she was hurt or itchy (she had had UTIs when she was littler). A few months ago she and I went to my grandparents house and out of the blue she called me into the bathroom and asked me to wipe her. I looked at her and said if I still need to wipe your butt at 5 years old you are way too much of a baby to be here on this special trip and I'll need to take you back home to daddy. I don't take babies with me on special trips. Needless to say she wiped her own ass and it hasn't come up again.

bestwife's picture

Don't you wish you could say:
"Your mom wipes your butt because she is an asswipe, I am not."

youngmama1b1g's picture

Kids will get away with whatever they can. When SS was 4 I overheard BM and my husband talking about SS's wiping. My husband asked her, "do you still wipe his butt?" and she said "don't you?". My husband laughed so hard at her- stating the most he does is check him to make sure he got it all. I think after being laughed at- BM stopped doing it for him.
Not too long ago, my SS is now 5, we were at MILs. All we hear from upstairs is SS calling "grandma!". She went up to answer him. When we found out she wiped his butt, we told her he's been doing that for over a year on his own. She tried the next time to ask "what?" to which he said "I need you to wipe me" and she told him "you do it" and he responded with "no, you do it"-all screaming up and down the stairs. She did it that time too, stating when she told me about it "I cant tell him no"
Another night, they were getting into PJs (kids were spending the night there), and she was helping him into his underwear. I said "he can put on his underwear". She was surprised. He had her fooled the whole time.

@bestwife- LOL. If only }:)