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back to work I go

peanut11's picture

So my baby is almost 9 months old and I have to go back to work early due to the need for more money thanks to the custody change of ss. I live in Canada so my mat leave is for a year and is 55% of your normal income. I'm sad that I don't get those months back but I know that I'm lucky for having that long. The real problem is that I now work opposite shifts as Dh and I miss him. We both work the night shift so we only have one night where were actually sleep in the same bed at the same time. One positive note about working opposite shifts is that I don't have to put up with the ss drama as much, which has gotten out of control since the change in custody. Ss is not handling it well and BM is filling his head up with lies and PASing the hell out of him. Its sad because a boy who was getting in to mild trouble in school turned in to a violent boy to other students and actually craped his pants at school the other day (something which had never happened before). But as usual the court believed all of bms lies and said that living with her more would be the best thing for the child. Sigh I which the courts did not automatically favor the mother. I feel bad for ss having a mother like that. Ah well now I can work on dh's and my relationship and focus my attention where it should be on my son.