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beating my head against a wall

phoenixgem89's picture

many of us feel like this. today is no different in my house. i caught my SS(13) attempting to hook up a PS2 system. he didnt have the right AV cable, so he comes downstairs asking me where it is.

'wheres the ps cable'
last i thought hooked to your tv
'no, thats the wrong one'
which one are you trying to hook in?
did i say you could?
*begin tantrum*

hes freaking 13, he has 2 chores in this house. vaccuum the stairs since hes the only one living up there, and do his own damned laundry. add in there the rule of making your bed in the morning, and thats it. this kid has chalk out the ass, hes very artistic, and doesnt want to go outside. why? b/c hed rather sit inside where he turns off his a/c when i need them on, and complains hes hot. uh, GO OUTSIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

we live in an area where we get an average of 4 ft of snow a year at minimum. and im talking all at once too! past 2 winters have been very mild. i cant get this kid outside at all. i have to force him OUT. i should have trouble getting him IN. so i told him give me the console and if i catch him hooking anything up again to the tv, im going to throw all of them out the window and make sure their damaged.

call me evil but im tired of this shit. he complains b/c i dont give him the pass code. told him im not lifting a damned finger for him and that his room is a mess. he goes 'theres trash all over your room!' i have dirty/clean clothes everywhere yes, but that is my problem b/c i am too lazy to put things away after ive been running around all day. this kid has poptart crumbs (EW) and empty gatorade bottles laying EVERYWHERE. not in my house!

so i ask him 'what trash? please tell me b/c i dont know what your talking about!' that shut him up. so now hes outside, kicking a basketball around my yard and hitting the shed and the house (on purpose) and when he breaks the siding, then ill be watching him get his ass beat by my SO. b/c ive had it. he says that SO is the only 'nice one' to him. no, he pitys you for not having a mother or grandmother. i dont pity you. i am actually jealous of you b/c you have a yard, and a dog who stays in said yard, you can go outside without fear of being kidnapped by your father (i couldnt!). you have to be forced outside. you have everything a kid could want at 13! youve had half of this shit since you were 12 you little ingrate!

good lord, someone discourage me from taking the freaking systems and playing wack a mole with em, please!


snoopyinoz's picture

Haul his tv outside. Run an extension cord. Hook up his PS. Dangle controller in his face to get his attention. Toss controller outside pet him follow then lock the door. He's outside (make you happy) and he gets to play his game (he's happy)

phoenixgem89's picture

nice idea, but that is a 800 dollar tv we just mounted on the wall... i dont think my SO would be too thrilled. lol. but thats ok, i told SS if he doesnt stop trying to go behind my back, im going to toss his games into lake ontario (which im only 3 miles from)