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phoenixgem89's Blog

beating my head against a wall

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many of us feel like this. today is no different in my house. i caught my SS(13) attempting to hook up a PS2 system. he didnt have the right AV cable, so he comes downstairs asking me where it is.

'wheres the ps cable'
last i thought hooked to your tv
'no, thats the wrong one'
which one are you trying to hook in?
did i say you could?
*begin tantrum*

Good god!

phoenixgem89's picture

Ok, so I've been reading through some threads & blog posts about these monsters we call 'children'. I use that term very loosely b/c I personally thought children were mini-adults. These things were being forced to raise are not 'mini adults' or anywhere close! They are truly little monsters! (even some of them big monsters!) Where in the gene pool did we go wrong?!

On a more random and lighter note, my friend's baby girl, Kynlee, is 3 days old today and yesterday I got a very funny picture I think will help a great portion of the parental units on here.

Reformat Time!

phoenixgem89's picture

Ok, so my stepson (almost 13) has pissed me off for the final time. This kid has a PS3, and has been using my psn account. Mind you I logged out of it on his play station. Evidently, he memorized my password. So, hes been downloading content he would normally be blocked from downloading. I am going to tell SO to take him out tomorrow when he goes to an auction, and I will be wiping this kid's ps3. Call me an evil step mother, but I have told this kid to use his own damned account since he got the sucker for christmas. I am royally PISSED.

DAMN IT! >.<

phoenixgem89's picture

ok, so i went and blocked SS x-box, and little asshole goes and finds a way round my blocks. just figured out how hes doing it! he has a ton of 'logins' on his xbox... so, my new task is 2 things

1) get the little twat out the house for an hour or so
2) find out how to delete the extra profiles, or even reset the entire thing and block his ass all over again.

Oh I'm loving this!

phoenixgem89's picture

Ok, I typed up a letter yesterday stating I am no longer responsible for my stepson. Quite frankly, I told both my SO (60) and my SS (almost 13) that I am sitting on my ass and not lifting a finger for him. Period. I will still cook for the general household, and clean where I need to. I will no longer clean this kid's messes, or cook for him specifically.