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Reformat Time!

phoenixgem89's picture

Ok, so my stepson (almost 13) has pissed me off for the final time. This kid has a PS3, and has been using my psn account. Mind you I logged out of it on his play station. Evidently, he memorized my password. So, hes been downloading content he would normally be blocked from downloading. I am going to tell SO to take him out tomorrow when he goes to an auction, and I will be wiping this kid's ps3. Call me an evil step mother, but I have told this kid to use his own damned account since he got the sucker for christmas. I am royally PISSED.

I already changed my WEP key for my router, so hes blocked from the net regardless, and will NOT be getting it back. But I have absolutely had it with this crap. He has downloaded M rated material, and b/c he is not 18, I am not going to be the one getting into trouble for him being a little shit. So, I say again, he will have his login deleted, lose all of his saved material as well as his add-ons he did not have permission to download in the first place. If anyone knows how to get rid of this crap off my PSN account (which I only have to monitor his sorry ass), it would be greatly appreciated.

End Rant (for now)


phoenixgem89's picture

hahaha well im being smart, im backing it all up to a pen drive, and i wont 'restore' all his crap just yet. but yeah, i would def say play around in the settings, or look it up online (thats what i did) and find out how exactly to reset it. }:) i have had it. hes downloading things that are rated M for reasons. things like nudity and certain other things are not ok for him to have in a game and he knows it. so hes downloading anything free, regardless of what it is.

that stops right now. as im typing this, its backing up to my pen drive and then i will reformat it, and MAYBE ill restore it.

phoenixgem89's picture

im dyin, i was just thinking that! i actually dropped my sledge hammer (almost) on my head. (missed by 3 inches thank god!) i picked it up and thought 'oh... wow... he keeps it up and i can just play wack a mole with the ps3 and the xbox!' i had to change the WEP for the net, so hes not getting that until he can prove hes not a dweeboid and download stuff. my SO told me this morning 'fix his things and take off the blocks' and in return i told him what kind of game demo's and videos he was downloading onto his play station and xbox and he said 'oh... never mind...' VICTORY! lol

phoenixgem89's picture

NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am about ready to pull that one. But it will be going 'FLING' off the roof of my vue into the driveway... Dirol

Notmyownlife's picture

My sons Stepmom called me and said he was doing somthing similar but more in the way of using the PS3 at night, when everyone is in bed, and talking to people on line we didnt aprove of,His dad is very passive and had kind of an irritating "so what" attitude" So when he was at at a show with his dad I met up with stepmom and traded his PS3 for my nintendo cube, if he wants to play video games so bad all summer i guess him and mario are going to be really good friends this summer,

phoenixgem89's picture

YEAH BUDDY! i love mario!!! ill take the games if he doesnt want em! hahaha i just disconnected my SS's internet and changed the WEP key (he didnt know it to begin with and definitely doesnt now!), but yeah, i LOVE mario!!! if he doesnt want to play that, than oh well, too bad, so sad!