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Called the police on BM last week lol

Princess's picture

I haven't been on here in a while, ALOT has been going on. It started last week when BF and BM were fighting over something irrelevant.. and I get brought up of course. I think it was Wednesday night around 11:30, I was in bed and I get a text that says something about her coming up tomorrow, that I need to get ready for a visit. I ignored it like usual. He was in bed at his house and I wasn't going to call because I knew he had to get up early. She keeps on and on about my "mommy and daddy" (she just eats up the fact I still live at home, but DAMN!) and how he needs to come live at my house and all this bullshit. Then she says "forget the morning, im coming now" still didn't phase me. She sends another one with my address. Then another saying "if you don't beleive me, call my house and see if im there". SD was there so I wasn't going to do that. Plus it's like 1am. I start thinking about that maybe she has really lost it this time and I wasn't going to have her coming to my house causing a scene (or something worse) in front of my parents and brothers. My friends convince me to call the police, and after some consideration I did. I felt pretty liberated. I called BF but I knew he wouldn't answer because he is out when he is asleep. I call 911 and tell the operator what is going on, give her all the info and she asks me if I want her to send the cops to my house or have them call me. I figured I knew the cop so I told her to have them call me. I was sitting on my porch, about to have some kind of nervous breakdown and the cops call. I tell him the whole situation, told him all the details about how she is really crazy and she's on pills and there's no telling what she could do. BF finally calls back and tells me he's woke up because he's had 30 restricted calls within the hour and he was worried about me. I told him real quick what was happening and he was just like "she isn't coming up there, she's just bluffing". He walks out to his truck and there was a note on it from her saying "I hope the last time you saw her you kissed her and told her you loved her." He got in his truck and drove over to her house and BM really wasn't there and she had left SD at home asleep without knowing she had left. So he started calling her, all while I'm sitting home freaking out. She won't answer the calls but she would text him back, wouldn't tell him where she was and all this nonsense. He threatens her by telling her that if she doesn't get her ass back there he's going to wake SD up and tell her exactly what is happening, well of course she doesn't want that to happen and she shows up within 10 minutes. He calls me and tells me everything was ok and that I could finally have some peace... yeah, PEACE!?! Really? But now, there is a report of her harrassing me, so I dare her to do it again.

The next morning, she starts her shit again telling me how he's only with me because of how I look and he really loves her because she was the one who really made his truly happy hahahahaha.. I was trying to rest due to exhaustion from lack of sleep from her crazy ass the night before and I just got fed up and finally responded with a picture of me and him from the day before (where I looked AMAZING) and she responded something about "if u thnk that bothers me ur stupid" so I send one of us kissing and I don't think she liked that very much because I got "I have 17 years of pictures like that, ur not bothering me" and all I said back was "You don't have ANY like that, you're ugly as fuck."

And she hasn't bothered me since. YES!!!!


nycSM's picture
