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Today, I just want to finally respond to BM!

Princess's picture

After the text I got last night from BM saying "One way or another i will get rid of u" I'm just fed up. I know I should take the high road, and I'm sure it drives her crazy that after 50+ texts I've never once responded, and her 10+ restricted calls a day I've never answered. I'll show you some of the texts:
"I have put up with this bullshit long enough, its over.."
"U will regret the day you went after him.. u dont know me im real easy going til i have had enough and guess what im there so be careful"
(facebook) "well well look who i found its amazing what you can find on the internet when you look, i bet you can do all kinds of things to ppl on here. BE VERY CAREFUL"
(email) its just amazing your name, email address, family members names, dates of birth, social security numbers, address, phone numbers. gosh the list goes on and on. you could really do some damage to someone if you tried"
"i would keep looking over my shoulder everywhere i went if i was u, u dont know what im capable of.. (MY ADDRESS), thats right, aint it?"
"he just keeps lying to u, hes really still with me"
"well its obvious u aint woman enough to answer me but i will tell u this much, i see you all together and you will regret the day u met him"
Well, that's just some of the better ones. This all started in the beginning of April. At first, of course it made me a little nervous, but I'm over it now. I have a friend who is a cop and I told him about it and he said that if I wanted to file a report and had enough evidence and could show that she was threatening me, the police from my county would drive to where she lives (2 hours away) and arrest her, bring her back to my county, but her parents have alot of money, of course she would be out right away.. But BF doesn't want his daughter to be embarrassed because BM is a psycho. I just wish I could paint a picture of this woman for you all: Almost 40, possibly one of the stupidest looking people I've ever seen, she just has a stupid sounding voice too (you can probably see that from the texts, I typed them exactly how she sent them), she has these awful bangs, glasses, huge nose, BAD teeth, and when I saw her at the game the other night, she looked like she had just stepped into the clothes I wore in 6th grade (black leather belt with those metal circles and Mudd jeans), smokes 2-3 packs of cigarettes a day, always has a can of diet Dr.P in her hand, NO makeup.. but according to him, it takes her 2 hours to look like that. I've had lots of laughs at her expense, and made many jokes about it.

I've just had alot on my mind since that ballgame the other night. I really didn't sleep last night. I get the feeling that BF wants me to respond back to her, but if I ever want to take legal action I shouldn't, and I'm aware of this. I think she thinks I'm afraid of her because I don't say anything back, but that is the last reason I don't. I would tear this woman apart just by things I would say to her, and if it ever got physical, well.. we won't go there, I'm sure alot of you all feel the same. This woman has made my life and his life hell, and I'm afraid it's going to put a strain on our relationship. I got up this morning in one of those moods where I'm about tempted to drive to where she lives and then see what happens when I get there, but I HAVE TO BE THE BETTER PERSON here, because obviously I am.

I really never intended for that to be that long, but I just had to vent. I'm sitting here, BF is on his way home from work because it's pouring rain... Just one of those days.


stepkate's picture

Take. Legal. Action.

Keep those texts. You have a case for harrassment, at the very least.

And don't respond to her. She wants a reaction. This probably won't make her stop because she sounds too crazy to let anything go, which is why you should...

Take. Legal. Action.

Princess's picture

Her phone is blocked from calling me, I guess that's why she calls restricted. But I can't block the texts. I've already had 2 restricted calls this morning. She knows BF isn't working because it's raining and I'm sure she just wants to bother us.

Princess's picture

So don't threaten her about taking legal action and just do it? Or should I threaten her with it and see if she stops?

caya506's picture

Call customer service at your cell phone provider. There should be a way to block texts. With my provider all I have to do is send a text to 8888 with a capital B (for Block) a space, then the 10 digit phone number of the person you want to block. It will then block any texts from that person until you send another text to 8888 with a capital U (for Unblock) a space, then the 10 digit phone number.

folkmom's picture

i would take legal action.

screw what he says. too bad if ift means SD knows her mom is a nut. these are REAL what, if she actually snaps one day and harms you...THEN BF will feel bad for who? you or his SD?

you need to protect you.

First, shut down your FB privacy settings. And defriend her.

Second, block her number and her email.

Third, get a restraining order on her.

Fourth, file criminal harrassment charges. Who cares if her parents are rich? Evidence is evidence...and if you kept copies of all of have more than enough to get her convicted of criminal harrassment.

Think of this...yoru BF who allegedly loves you would rather you be continually harrassed abnd for yout o suffer, than for it to stop...just so his kid does not feel bad? YOu think this kid does not KNOW mom is nuts?

nycSM's picture


PrincessFiona's picture

At the very least GET A RESTRAINING ORDER ! Then she knows full well that you aren't going to tolerate it and what the consequences will be for further harrassment.

You need to protect yourself. I understand your BF not wanting to cause a big ordeal that harassment charges may create but not at the expense of your safety. She is threatening your life, not matter how much anyone believes she will follow thru with it, it is illegal to do so. You don't know her well enough to know how much she is capable of.


outofplace's picture

My thoughts exactly, Folkmom. Your BF should be worried about your well-being over his daughters feelings. His daughters feeling are important but not when it comes to you being harassed by a crazy person.

SecondBest09's picture

Agree, agree, agree, AGREE! Who cares what BF wants you to do? How is he going to feel, and what is his daughter going to think, if BM snaps and actually follows through with her threats. In this day and age, you do NOT take it lightly.

dguiwh2334's picture

you can block her from texting and calling you. Save all that, and if your bf doesnt want to do anything, tell her your gonna file a report and have her arrested.. btw, Thats EXACTLY what my bfs ex said to me all the time when she got my number.. ALL TALK!

stormabruin's picture

I would absoulutely start legal action. Family money or not...she'll have a record. Money can't take that away. That way, as she continues, there will be a legal trail following her. I can assure you from the way this woman sounds to be, it wouldn't be the first time SD was embarrassed by her mother. She'll get over it, & she'll learn that harrassment & threats aren't appropriate, & they don't get you your way.

nycSM's picture


stepoff's picture

You're doing everything right! Don't respond to her. Besides fanning the flames, it will also make her that much more frustrated that you don't respond or take her words to heart. Save everything like you've been doing. If she ever does cross the line, you will have all the evidence you need. I wouldn't block her from anything, though. Keep the evidence coming in and keep saving it all. She'll get herself in serious trouble when it's all said and done. And keep in touch with your cop friend. He's your best friend right now.

I am confused's picture

1. Download Call Blocker Professional. It's about 5 bucks and allows you to block any call from a restricted, no caller id, or private number. It picks up and hangs up instantly and they can't even leave a voicemail.

2. Save all those texts. Print them and take them to a lawyer and for a few hundred dollars have the lawyer write a cease and desist letter with copies of the emails attached. Have the lawyer mention in the letter that the next step will be a civil harassment suit and a restraining order.


Good luck. Been there... it's ugly.

Pantera's picture

Don't respond to her. Go file a report. Its not DH she's threatening, its YOU.

stepoff's picture

I know most posters are saying to block her from communicating. Normally, I would agree. But this woman is making threats. If she's blocked from communicating, Princess won't know what's going thru the BM's mind and if BM gets even more crazy, Princess won't know. BM could text her and say she's going to break all the windows in the house. Then when the windows are broken, Princess will have the evidence. If the BM is blocked, there won't be any way to prove what she's doing. BM is only hurting herself, because she's obviously not intelligent enough to realize that with every threat she's getting herself in deeper trouble. Press charges? Definitely. Like Katrinkie says, just do it. Don't give her any warning. But I wouldn't cut her off.


What does your cop friend say to do?

amicrazy's picture

Very good point to add! I never changed my cell phone number until AFTER all of the court proceedings were over. Just keep letting her dig her hole. But don't let the things she say get to you. I used to get upset listening to my voicemails because of some of the stuff BM would say, but you can't. Like when she said Your lucky I haven't killed you yet, your lucky I let you live this long, I was pretty upset, but like others on here, they are usually all talk, but still you need relief from this, nobody should have to live their life like this!

starfish's picture

is bf worth all of this? do you plan a long term relationship with him?? your young, he's recently divorced, the ex is crazy and the sd will probably be a nightmare..... is this the life time drama you want in your future?

if so, i agree with the everyone that you should take legal action.

oneoffour's picture

For a start, his daughter would not be embasrrassed if her mother wasn't so stupid. So really, she only brought it on herself.

Personally I would text her once.. "I request you stop contacting me immediately."

This way you have proof that you did not want to contact her. It may go better in court than "I didn't respond". Sort of like telling someone they are trespassing when they obviously are. You make it abundantly clear you no longer want her to contact you.

The minute she sends another text (which she will)you report her for harrassment and threatening to kill. You have already told ehr not to contact you and she is continuing to do so. So sshe is more of a threat seeing she won't listen to 'no'. Don't tell your DH what you are doing until she has her butt in jail. Then tell him you consulted the police and they insisted on arresting her.

I thought she just wanted her ex back. But reading the texts it seems she wants you dead. You can play this out. And so what if her parents have money. They will be spending it on lawyers instead of Diet drinks and cigarettes for their daughter. I am sure that if her parents knew the content of the texts they would be telling her to stop it.

amicrazy's picture

Princess, whatever you do, DON'T respond! It will just give her something to come back at you with should this progress into a legal matter. You need to do something. My FH too didn't want me to bother with the legal route, but guess what this is about you and your safety and well being, and he should understand that! You need to do something, I know when I did, it was the best thing that I ever did! After FH rationalized everything, he realized that I did the right thing. I have to tell you though BM was so surprised/shocked/furious that I stood up for myself the way I did, by ignoring her and just taking it to court. She tried to talk her way out of it, saying that I was the one harassing her, but I was the one there with a whole binder full of evidence and recorded voice mails too, and the judge had no problem seeing that she was the one, not me.

Little background on my situation. BM is from the town we grew up in, actually lived up the street from me when I was younger, so she knew of me way before FH and I met. She freaked when she found out he was seeing me, so she got a hold of my phone number from some "friends" or people I thought were my friends and started calling me leaving me ridiculous voice mails. She would see me driving down the road and go into psycho mode and call me up. I never answered her and let them all roll to voice mail. I was at the mall one time, she saw my car in the parking lot and decided to key my car after harassing me and making a huge scene in the mall. Tried to get me fired from work. Then on Christmas night she was so crazy that she drove to where me and FH were living and keyed my car in our driveway then called and left me a voice mail right after saying how she just did it! So dumb, they are idiots, but with all of this over a course of some time she had 2 peace orders, a restraining order, and was convicted of malicious destruction of private property of which she was ordered anger management, resititution, and probation for 5 years where she could have no contact with me whatsoever! Mine is crazy, but it shoulds like your BM is on the same exact path here!

The court should be able to do something for your, especially with the one text about your address, that is threatening to me. And when you do go to court you say that you are worried about your safety and feel as though she will actually come after you, and they will grant you some sort of relief. If she violates it, then she will get in even more legal trouble.

And I agree with others, it drives them nuts that you aren't responding, because you aren't giving her what she wants. She wants to get a reaction out of you and you aren't giving her the satisfaction. Let her say you are scared or whatever to her friends as the reason why you don't respond, who cares, she is pathetic one, not you!

stormabruin's picture

Does she mention anything like this to your BF, or is it just you? Not that it changes the fact that you need to take legal action either way. I was just curious.

dguiwh2334's picture

I agree with stepoff, don't respond to her, but keep the communication for her available so you have evidence... BM never actually threatened me, she is an airhead and all talk.. As of now the BM isn't really thinking she will get in trouble for what she is saying, she just thinks she is scaring you.. When my BFs BM first found out about me (after she filed divorce and he moved out) she messaged me on facebook, even my sister! She blew up my phone for weeks!! She would send me about 30 texts a day, call me about 20 times.. I NEVER replied! That's why she was pissed.. Then the stupid psycho came to my work LOL, and the bitch didn't do shit... Suprise suprise. THEY TALK a lot of shit, but usually don't follow thru! In your case, idk if your BM would or not, but if so, and god forbid, save the info!! So you can have proof.

IAMTHEMOM's picture

I know how hard it is not to respond.. U just want to tell em off! BUT in the end acting as though u could give a crap gets their goat more than anything.

smnikki's picture

wow, you are worried about her but the real issue is that here she is threatening you, and bf doesnt want sd"to think bm is psycho"

news flash!!! she is psycho, and if bf isnt defending you now and wanting to protect you, he never will. i think you should do whats best for you and leave this loser, who obviously cares more about what his daughter thinks about her mom than your own safety!!!