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Princess's Blog

Called the police on BM last week lol

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I haven't been on here in a while, ALOT has been going on. It started last week when BF and BM were fighting over something irrelevant.. and I get brought up of course. I think it was Wednesday night around 11:30, I was in bed and I get a text that says something about her coming up tomorrow, that I need to get ready for a visit. I ignored it like usual. He was in bed at his house and I wasn't going to call because I knew he had to get up early.

Today, I just want to finally respond to BM!

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After the text I got last night from BM saying "One way or another i will get rid of u" I'm just fed up. I know I should take the high road, and I'm sure it drives her crazy that after 50+ texts I've never once responded, and her 10+ restricted calls a day I've never answered. I'll show you some of the texts:
"I have put up with this bullshit long enough, its over.."
"U will regret the day you went after him.. u dont know me im real easy going til i have had enough and guess what im there so be careful"

How crazy can one person really be?

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Just when you think you've lived through it all, like I have.. Something always happens. My boyfriend's daughter is in basketball camp, and she begged him to come, so of course he asked me to come with him. (A little background b4 I go on: We have been together for almost a year and a half, we're getting ready to move in together.. His ex has told everyone in their town that I'm the reason they're not together and that he loves me more than his own daughter, blah, blah..