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OT - The high before the low

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Does anyone else get these like SUPER productive highs before crashing into the ground?

This morning, I got up at 5, went for a run with the puppers, did morning Yoga, SHAVED, went to work feeling like a damn boss.  Had a beyond productive morning.  Looked at my bank account and was SO PROUD of myself for being hundreds of dollars ahead of my budget!

So naturally because I was on SUCH a high, the world decided to knock me down...

Starting with, feeling beyond stressed at lunch, calling my dad, driving, ended up taking myself to get food (half hour away) therefore I was late getting back from lunch... Lost an hour of leave time... Which is fine I guess...

Following onto that... I look at my car to see when my next payment is due... They're supposed to be auto drafted... But that somehow got deleted... So my last payment is LATE, ruining my PERFECT payment history on everything... So joy... And to top it off... They thought it would be fun to tag on like $200 worth of late fees...  Taking my reasonably low car payment clear up and effectively ruining my budget. I'm not behind... So yay...

I swear it's like high highs and low lows... I'm having whiplash between this and the emotional mess I'm facing.

Just needed to vent!


ETA: Already contacted them about auto-pay... They changed their system and I'll have to resubmit by MAIL.


mommadukes2015's picture

All the damn time. 

But listen-you said you did yoga this morning. Your practice doesn’t end on the mat boo. 

When shit hits the fan you’ve got a whole toolkit in your back pocket. When you’re stresses your body physiologically responds as if you were running from a tiger-even though nothing is actually threatening your life. 

Yoga teaches us that when this happens, we need to step back and recognize the reaction for what it is. Then give yourself a couple minutes to listen to your mind-is it just spinning or is there a reason for all of this-that’s the hard part. The easiest hack is going back to your breath and just listening. You’re not your thoughts or your stress. This allows you to objectively approach these situations. Then, find the silver lining-you got to talk to your dad, you ate and took care of yourself. A little misstep happens with the car, but there’s nothing we can do now to change it except be grateful that you’ve got enough money to take care of this mishap and not be flat broke. 

Sometimes the downs just want us to look closer at the little things we overlook and allow us space to appreciate them. 


advice.only2's picture

Maybe all that good stuff this morning was to get you into a good state mentally to deal with all the crap that exploded this afternoon.

Either way sounds like you are handling it well.

Thisisnotus's picture

All the freaking time.

every single time I feel good about life and positive and Ike things are going to be okay.....bam!

im really starting to buy into the whole law of attraction thing......since my divorce and step life i I have been a huge negative pessimistic and bad luck follows me. 

Before that for 35 years I was positive and care free and people would always ask me if I had a horseshoe hanging over my head because good thing always happened to me.