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Rough Estimate Of CS Spent Until 18yo

pseudo_stepmom's picture

I just read over a post about someone venting about how much $ they will have spent in CS until their SS was 18, I was a little grossed out by the amount, so I decided to quickly calculate our total payments quickly & roughly. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little....

...for the 4 skids, by the time they ALL turn 18 (and this is JUST if the CS ends when they turn 18, not if they go to college or anything & the CS continues...) my DH (& myself I'm sure I'll have to pitch in a little now and then to help him out) will have spent $267,300.00 in child support. This does not include all the extra air jordans & skinny jeans & summer camps & doctor bills & extra bullsh*t amounts that she claims DH owes her on a regular basis...

I hate to think that at least over a quarter of a million dollars will be spent on those brats. Wow. Well, I despise them more already, & I didn't even think that was possible Wink . I want to kick my DH in the butt for having so many with her. This isn't even including alimony payments that were $3,000.00/month prior to her re-marrying. He shoulda gotten his vasectomy at #2 instead of #4...she better start saving up her money now, because the second those suckers turn 18, she is getting that child's portion subtracted ASAP from the payments.

Well, she's making a nice, above minimum wage salary for the next 10 years for popping out 4 kids, while sitting on her lazy a$$ at home in front of the tv (yes, I know not all sahm do this, i wrote a previous post about this earlier, and this specific BM IS lazy). Not too bad of a pyramid scheme if ya ask me (don't be offended, I'm just venting here). On the bright side, we only have about $109,000.00 left to go!


Auteur's picture

I hear ya. We live in "BM HITS THE LOTTERY" NYS. GG had three with the Behemoth and here CS goes mandatory till 21 or longer (most likely longer b/c the Behemoth likes to categorize her poor/non-parenting as "special needs" and "learning disabled" children) He pays $1000 a month in CS (and that's the lowest it's EVER been; he was voluntarily paying WAAY too much out of sheer GUILT!)

Plus he signed his life away on 50% college. He already allowed himself to be tricked into paying 200% of the cost of orthodonture for the oldest two b/c he "trusted" the Behemoth to tell him when the bill was paid (CS had extras added in to account for this and other things like sky diving lessons, etc.)

He is totally F'd for the next 13 more years at LEAST; the youngest hits 21 in 2024, but I'm sure the Behemoth will have her super sized underachievers take many expensive, remedial do-over semesters in community college, probably finally throwing in the towel after six years for what is supposed to take 2 years.

Did I mention that GG makes $15 an hour and is now 43? Oh and the Behemoth is a CPS worker (all three children are failing school)!!

Until there is a fool proof birth control method for MEN, this crap will continue!

Unfreakingreal's picture

And ^^^^^^^^THIS is why I haven't even BOTHERED filling out college financial papers for SS18 who SUPPOSEDLY graduates HS in June. I however am almost SURE he's NOT graduating seeing as how he is failing 4 classes and there are only 3-1/2 weeks left of the school year. The best part is that last night I told my Dh that SS18 was failing 4 classes and he didn't say a word. This morning however he calls me from work at 7am to remind me that we had to drop off items for the Senior picnic this weekend! So...basically, in his mind, he wants SS18 to reap ALL the rewards (prom, parties, picnics) for work that he hasn't done. Nice job Dad.

Auteur's picture

"he wants SS18 to reap ALL the rewards (prom, parties, picnics) for work that he hasn't done."

They've done a MARVELOUS job in your hometown cloning GG I see!!! :sick:

Auteur's picture

The universities and colleges LOVE these "COD" card playing, non-parented under achievers. It's like a CASH COW!!

Daddykins is forced to pay for their remedial education b/c Mommykins was too busy making excuses and being children's BFF instead of actually PARENTING them, making them RESPONSIBLE and PASSING K-12!!!

Rags's picture

I totalled what we received from the SpermClan in CS from the initiation of the first CS order when SS was 1yo old until his 18th B-Day.

$48,380.00. Only 20% of what my wife and spent to raise SS for the same period. I did not include the car we bought him last Christmas or the money we spent supporting him from his 18th b-day for the 7mos until he reported to the USAF.

As sickening as that pittance of SpermBucks is, more disgusting is that since they are no longer having to pay CS .... they don't call, there has been no effort to have him visit them and they will not be at his graduation from Basic Training just as not one SpermClan member was at his HS graduation or even congratulated him.

The whole time he was under a Custody/Visitation/Support Court Order they complained incessantly that they paid to much and wanted more time with him. Suddenly when they pay nothing and could have spent 7mos straight with him ....... no interest in him at all.

They took their pittance of newly freed up discretionary SpermBucks and turned their back on him.

I hate scum bag idiots. Grrrrrrr!