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pseudo_stepmom's Blog

SD8 spit dinner out in toilet

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Okay, so I have a question, to see if I just have ridiculous expectations of how children should be reprimanded I suppose...

TOday we were going to the in-laws house for DH's father's birthday. Before we went, we cooked vegan sloppy joes (we are vegetarian over here & when the children come to visit, they eat vegetarian meals, and the sloppy joes takes almost identical to the real thing). DH cut SD8's sloppy joe in half since they were going to have food at the in-laws house too. SHE DIDN'T EVEN HAVE TO EAT THE WHOLE DAMN THING!!!

Well, your father really isn't your father....

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My DD7 has met her 'sperm donor' once when she was 3 months old after I hunted him down for over a month to see her. He's not on her birth certificate. I do not receive child support for her. I supported her by myself before I met DH because I didn't want anything to do with him ever again. He has a life-long drug problem, has been to rehab before, (still battling drugs mind you). I have been with my DH now for 4, almost 4 1/2 years and my DD7 only knows DH as her father. She knows no different. The skids brought up the topic once kinda like:

He does the ONE thing with the skids that I asked him to do with me :(

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So, my dh and I moved into our new house May 1st. We finally have a home instead of a place we're renting. It's freakin huge, and I have 10X the space. When we moved in, there were 2 rooms upstairs finished for sd8 & bd7, a bathroom, our master bedroom with master bath, and then downstairs is the unfinished basement. We've been working our butts off to get it finished so the 3 SS can be down there & not drive me completely insane when they visit.

BM gained mega weight.......bwahahahhaha!

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}:) So, I am apologizing in advance if anyone's feelings are hurt when I post this blog, but I can't get enough of this!

BM (of 4 bratty ass stepkids i have to watch every other weekend UGH) seems to be indulging more frequently lately. Well, for the past 6-8 months I'd say. I am almost 6 feet tall and weigh 125lbs, in my mid-20's and have had one daughter. The psycho BM has had 4 children and when I first saw her 4 years ago, I thought she looked pretty good for having all of them, and being in her mid-30's.

Background info/ Disengaging Question

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I guess this is how i do this....

My husband and I have been married for 3 years this June. I have one daughter from a previous relationship and my husband has 4 children who primarily live with his ex-wife and her new husband. My daughter's BF is referred to as a 'sperm donor' because that is the extent of his involvement in her life. My DH has naturally taken the role of her father and does an awesome job 90% of the time; I do find him favoring his children when they visit and sometimes I feel as though my daughter gets the short end of the stick occasionally.