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Queenofdenial's picture

For the longest time, I thought BM and I got along. I thought we where together towards a common goal...

I'am a dumbass to say the least... I should have known...

Bm was crying a couple of weeks ago about how having to pay childsupport causes her to be months behind on all her bills. She said her electric was about to get shut off... so my dumb ass pays the bill ( I know right).

I asked BM to watch her own child one day she threw a fit and started crying ( take in mind I watch SD on BMs days and Dhs day and homeshcool SD by myself... as well as my two bio kids... did I mention Im preggo)

Well SD got into big trouble, BM agreed to keeping her grounded and talked about how great it is we can work together....
SD comes home come to find out she went camping and played all weekend. BM told SD she didnt care she was in trouble...

Bm told SD she should be afraid to come to our house. And a whole bunch of more BS...

I should have known BM was just using me, and cared nothing about co-parenting...

You think I would have got the hint last year she was not a good person, we she slept with DHs brother, called my dad at work who she has never met, made crap up about me, and starts constant drama...

My question is why I'm I such a Fool? How do I make sure this doesnt happen again?


stepmom008's picture

Set boundaries NOW. And stick to them. No more giving her money, no more letting her cry on your shoulder. She needs to put on her big girl panties and start taking care of her own responsibilities. If she can't handle it, that's her problem, not yours.

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

Queenofdenial's picture

I agree 100%... I just have to figure out how and what boundaries to set.
Thank you so much

stepmom008's picture

That is the hard part Smile I think you're first step would be to stop beating yourself up. You tried to be nice and to see the good in her but she's making it difficult. That's no fault of yours Smile

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

Most Evil's picture

Oh honey, stop being so silly now (this is what my mom would have said).

You were honoring your BM by respecting her and helping her and trusting her, and any bad feeling should be on HER part, for taking advantage of YOUR good nature.

So now you know better - good to know! Don't be so hard on yourself hon. HUGS!!!
“Learn by practice.” - Martha Graham

Snowflake's picture

You are not a fool... you are just a good person!!! But sometimes it takes someone outside of yourself to tell you that you are being taken advantage of.

I am so sorry that she used you good heart like that. You were a good friend and she lost that friendship. It is HER loss... You have lost nothing but maybe some time and a few bucks.

But she lost perhaps one of the best friends she could have ever had. And i say that with all sincerity!!!