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Hope you don't think I'm an evil person but.....

raggedyann1973's picture

I have been dealing with SD issues for 12 years and finally found a place to let it all out. So some posts might have happened a while ago but still linger on my mind. Here's another...what do you think.....step daughter was 13 at the time, now 14 and she had the flu so she couldn't come over on her weekend so instead dad went to her house for about 30 mins on day the following week. We have 2 cats...SD wanted dad to bring over one of the cats for her to play with bc she said it made her feel better. Husband shared this info with me, I guess he thought it was cute or something but I found it weird. Plus SD already has her own cat.

Okay these are our cats and they live at our home...does anyone else find this request a bit odd?


caregiver1127's picture

Yes it is odd - cats do not like to leave their environment - also don't like other cats - watch her with your cats - I have 2 and they don't leave the house and if anyone even tried to do anything to them there would be hell to pay. No she can see the cats when she comes to your house - that is a stupid request.

Also you are not evil Raggedyann1973 - you are human - so relax and keep you cats in your house Wink Wink Wink