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We are talking divorce.....

raggedyann1973's picture

Long story short. We had a falling out over the weekend and during this time SD14 called him to say that Justin Bieber has a movie coming out. I made smart comment that she was prolly calling to tell him something she saw on I-Carly. So needless to say he was annoyed with me. I told him that I am tired of ex calling sometimes daily for stupid stuff and that I am tired of him ALWAYS saying “yes” to the both of them. Told him I don’t like that he buys his daughter 20 gifts for Xmas and 10 for my daughter. I exaggerated on the number but you know what I mean. Don’t like that he isn’t very affectionate with me and never takes any time off from work with me just to have a nice long weekend and do things together, but he will take extra time off to do things with his daughter. Tired of him not helping with ANYTHING around the house, he won’t even put his dirty dishes in the dishwasher.

So he called my parents and they suggested marriage counseling. I told him I wasn’t interested. We are talking divorce…..

I just have had enough of his ex and his daughter…sad but true ((sigh))


N8tiveButt3rfly's picture

Well I know that I watch i-carly AND Spongebob. They are the shizz. Sometimes it's nice to watch things that are only intended to make you laugh. Smile

on the fence's picture

Raggedy ann, I'm so sorry. That's the biggest fear for all of us I guess. Really great men who haven't a clue when it comes to their kids. Especially daughters who learn to work guilty daddy early. We rarely stand a chance.

karenemoy's picture

I feel the same - the guilt of the divorce never ends especially when the skid blame it on everything that is wrong in thier lives. My SS 20 keeps going on that he was abandoned by his father - like he was left in the woods or something.

They are masters at manipulating.