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6 days until the Skid leaves for Basic Training ..... and mom is in to turbo warp last minute parenting mode.

Rags's picture

6 days and the Kid leaves for USAF BMT.

My wife is getting very fidgety. She is dumping car maintenance guidance, choose your friends wisely guidance, speak up when you are talking guidance, do the job well and finish the job guidance, etc on the kid at a constant high speed.

I am backing off. If I did not back off I would just kill him. He still will not do basic chores. There is always some bullshit excuse about why his chores are not done or for why he did not do what he was told to do.

"I did not trim the hedges because it is windy and I might not trim them straight"

He did it the next day which was not windy and still made it look like a creative art project.

"I did not fill up with gas because I planned on doing it the next time I used my car"

The car has been yelling at him about needing to fill up for several days .... now we are down to "11 miles until empty" according to the car.

My wife has been re-reading the 20 tips for preparing for Basic Training to him out loud for days. He still has not done any of the things suggested.

I will not do it for him and I will not allow my wife to do it for him.

I absolutely hope that the DI rips him a new asshole and stays on him like stupid on a redneck for the entire 8.5 weeks of BMT.

This is a great kid. Smart, well behaved, great personality, good looking, he just refuses to be motivated about anything.

Oh ya. And his lady friend who visited for a week over spring break has a boy friend and she and my son are just friends.

He was significantly more mature around her which is a good thing but she is now back at school doing very well and he is about to launch.

I truly hope that he performs to his ability for the next 6yrs in the USAF. His mom told him that if they kick him out for his usual failure to do what is expected of him that he is not coming home.

My hopes are that he performs to his ability, he avoids making friends with the usual geek underperforming losers that he tends to gravitate towards, he actually completes his AFSC training rather than do his usual perfect performance for a few weeks then fail everything because he gets bored and spends all night on WoW with his SpermIdiot, he gains confidence and grows as a strong willed, intelligent young man of character.

My fear and forecast is ...... He will do well in BMT then go off to AFSC and shove his head up his ass and either get assigned to shoveling frozen bear shit off of the runways in Adak Alaska or worse, kicked out of the USAF.

I just want the best for him and for him to do what he is capable of.

I will be hopeful that he will perform but .... I won't hold my breath.

I love this kid with all of my heart. I will miss him terribly when he leaves.

However, I am excited to move on to DINK time with my beautiful bride. I hope we make it through the changes in our lives and through the likely heart break that our kid will put us through.



Rags's picture

He has already selected and been awarded his advanced training assignment. He is going in to Cyber Systems Operations which as far as I can tell is a new specialty that is part of the multi service Cyber Systems Command which is run by the USAF. It sounds to me that it is an armed forces focused IT type job.

It requires high ASVAB scores and they recruited him aggressively for this specialty when he missed the linguistics aptitude test score by 2pts.

We are proud that he qualified for a difficult specialty and hope he stays focused and does well.

Good luck with the new meds for your son.

Best regards,

Rags's picture


They tested the crap out of him and selected him for a computer job as far as I can tell.

They are good at motivating and training these kids. I just hope they can be successful with mine.

My kid has not been coddled; he just has zero motivation for anything. He is motivated only by avoidance of total misery. He also has learned that his mom and I will get tired of riding his ass and he can eventually go back to his usual bull shit.

Positive reinforcement does not work on him. He does not like the attention. The only thing that moves him at all is if the alternative is so insanely unpleasant that even he will get off of his ass and do something. The problem for his mom and I is that we do not like the associated misery that we suffer when we are constantly on his ass so we back off.

We are hopeful that the Armed Forces will break him before he breaks them or they just write him off and kick him out. :O

Auteur's picture

Kudos to SS! I'm so hoping Awesomeson can try again (he's paid down his student loan debt considerably) and get the hell out of "drama house" so that I can make my move!!

skylarksms's picture

I know what you mean. I made sure my son was on his own before I even THOUGHT about making a "break for it."

Rags, I think that your skid will be fine. I mean, look who he has for a step-dad? And I think that, even if it doesn't seem to sink in for the kid, the things that you and your wife taught him WILL be there, in the back of his brain.

Now he just needs to be shown (with foot in ass if necessary) WHY you guys were telling him all that stuff. The service should take care of THAT part!!

Most Evil's picture

I am so excited that he has this chance to succeed - he will do better away from his family, no offense!! but that is what I have noticed with kids. Please do keep us posted.