BioDad and SpermGrandMa suddenly have developed a keen interest in grilling the Skid to make sure that HE is doing what HE wants
These people have never given a flying rats ass about anything but how to avoid responsibility for my SS and how to use the Visitation/CS CO to manipulate my Wife.
Now, all of a sudden, they are keenly interested in making sure that SS WANTS to go to JROTC Leadership Camp and that Mom and SDad are not forcing him to go?????????????
When the Skid is with him they won't let him make decisions at all and they battle with him about how he is rude, talks back, and insists on expressing himself. They get mad at him when they ask where the Kids (SS and his three fellow out of wedlock half sibs) and he tells them "Sushi".
Now they want to know his opinion on a major opportunity and decision that he is making for himself????????
WTF is wrong with these people that for 15+ years they don't give a crap and suddenly they want to discuss with him if we wants to to JROTC Leadership Camp, go back to Mil School for his SR year, where he wants to go to college, etc .... and to tell him to go and do what he wants and not let his Mom and I force him in to anything.
Ummmmmmmmm, Guess what you ignorant toothless assholes? Yes, he does have to take our guidance on his opportunities because we are providing him with those opportunities.
Fortunately his Mom and I have raised him to analyze information and make good decisions. Something you SpermIdiots know nothing about and are completely incapable of doing for yourselves much less in giving guidance to young people.
They have not paid a dime for his Mil School opportunity and won't pay a dime for his college. His Mom and I have and will foot the entire bill.
These people don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of and have no ability to make the decisions required to ever have the resources to buy the piss pot or the window. Now all of a sudden they have an opinion on something that is light years beyond their ability to comprehend much less participate in.
Maybe I am so hypersensitized and disgusted by these people that I am misinterpreting the first inklings they have ever shown as far as interest in what is best for the Skid. God I hope so.
What do all of you Stalkers think? Am I incapable of recognizing something positive from THEM or is this just another instance of their toothless SpermIdiot crap?
Really, I want to know what Y'all think.
Best regards,
- Rags's blog
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Rags, I have a feeling it simply could be a matter of insecurity
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
Obviously, they cannot aspire to reach the goals that are within your sons grasp. Therefore, to the other kiddos this seed spreader has, by comparison, they have much less opportunity. So it sounds to me more like an attempt to say "Look at what Rags & your Mom are forcing on you" instead of "Gee, we never could give the other kids the opportunities Rags and his Mom are giving him."
A case of knowing (c'mon, surely they realize it) you've given your SS more than they'd ever be able to give him. And not liking it one bit. Oh well. Don't let it get to you, you're on the right track.
P.S. Stalkers-ACH! I never thought of that abbreviation
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
before. Stalkers. We are Stalkers. LOL
We will get this from my MIL actually
SD has announced she wants to go to West Point like DH did. At least that's how she told us.
She went for a visit to BIL/SILs in TX again this summer (only 10 days instead of 5 weeks
) DH told me the other night his brother told him that SD told her aunt and uncle...
DAD wants me to go to WP.
Ugh. That's a BPD thing though. She THINKS he does therefore he does, when in reality he never wanted her to go there or go into the military. Of course now we think it may be the best thing for her, and I suggested to DH that she look into JRROTC as well (she's just starting high school next year.) That way if she's going to break down and not be able to do it, it may come out before she gets there.
But MIL hated that her sons were in the military, and she is highly overly protective of SD. So this pronouncement, particularly suggesting DH told her to go there, will get SD lots of attention and increase conflict between MIL and DH (love that triangulation.)
SD and SIL flew to MILs this week and DH, BD 3 and I will be driving down to pick her up/visit with SIL this weekend. I'm sure this one will come out for hot topics at the dinner table.
I swear you could be
my Dh writing this. We go through the exact same stuff. We, like you, often wonder why all the sudden interest. It will just pop out of no where about once every five or six years. And it always comes as a personal attack to me and DH. It makes no sense to either of us.
I have no words of wisdom. There's nothing you can do when you are dealing with idiots like these except not let them upset you. Which I can say but I hardly ever follow my own advice.
You are the only father this boy knows. Keep up the good work with him. You will be the one he thanks for raising him. But, you know that.
~All you need is Faith, Trust, and a little bit of Pixie Dust~
Thanks for the thought provoking spread of feedback.
Obviously I have some personal issues to work through still on my role as SDad. Not necessarily how that role relates to my relationship with my Son or my Wife, but how it relates to my broader interface with the SpermIdiots and even my I-Ls.
The good news is that in 58.5 weeks it will be a moot point and at least the SpermIdiots will cease to be a time sync for me any longer.
The final nail will be in THEIR financial coffin, 3 more years of CS and we will not have to speak with them ever again or in any way participate in having my Son polluted by face to face contact with them. Unless of course they want to pay for the entire cost of travel. Which they won't be able to do. They can barely afford half the travel costs now.
Even though in 58.5 weeks they will be a gelatinous mass of financial wreckage stomped firmly in to the mud soundly by ........ ME, my Son will have to struggle with the guilt and the plights of his SpermClan for the rest of his life. I have no doubt that once he is out of college the full court guilt press will start for him to start sending money to help raise his half sibs and give them the opportunities that his Mom and I have given our Son.
I sincerely hope that he will hold them accountable for raising his half sibs and does not allow them to guilt him in to jumping in to the SpermIdiot cesspool.
Them may care about what is best for my SS on some amoebic level. However, their total lack of personal accountability and their idiotic toothless manipulations show me that their baggage is something I sincerely hope my Son can avoid picking up.
In 58.5 weeks I will have accomplished the ultimate victory of raising my Son to the age of 18 with every likelihood of his successfully becoming a viable adult of standing in his community....... in spite of the SpermIdiots. That is the ultimate victory of parenthood I think.
However, rather than feeling triumphant, I think it is truly a sad thing that he will have to navigate their toxic crap for the rest of his life.
Sad, sad, sad.
Best regards,
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications)
Not yet. But that is coming.
We have discussed it but he (SS) does not want to deal with the SpermIdiot drama it would cause. So, when he turns 18 we will get that done ASAP. Once he is 18 there is no requirement that the Sperms be notified.
So, until 18, when he ages out from under visitation...... though rarely considered, his BioDad does have a say.
Best regards,
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications)
Hey, buddy...
Vent away....although for not as quite as long as you, my H and I have basically covered all expenses, too, with my BD. And, I would feel the SAME way if her biodad decided that he wanted to be "included" in her education.
Undoubtedly, there IS some degree in selfishness here on THEIR parts...sure, they see this young man has been REARED properly and is making his OWN decisions....well, cripes, they want their "part" in this....what if he become UBER successful some day and "YOU" get all the "credit"?? That makes them look like bigger aHOles than they already are.
They want a "piece" of the success action, but it is way too late for that, from what you've blogged. YOU KNOW the truth. And that's all that matters, IMO...
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."-Eleanor Roosevelt