Encouragement: The Stepmom's Bill of rights
For those of us who haven't run across this yet:
I will be part of the decision-making process in my marriage and family at all times.
People outside the immediate family - including ex-wives, in-laws and adult children - cannot make plans that affect my life without my consent.
I will not be responsible for the welfare of children for whom I can set no limits.
I must be consulted about which children will live with us, when they can visit and how long they will stay.
I will not be solely responsible for housework; chores will be distributed fairly.
I will be consulted regarding all family financial matters.
Others may not violate my private space at home, nor take or use my possessions without my permission.
I will never be treated as an "outsider" in my own home.
My husband and stepchildren must treat me with respect.
Our marriage is our first priority, and we will address all issues together.
- razzledazzle's blog
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Can someone...
PLEASE make this "bill" a "law"....
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."
Who was the author
Our Founding Stepmothers? ha ha. I LOVE IT-!!!
Beauty is truth, truth beauty - that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know. John Keats
Wouldn't the World be a Better Place
if it were really like that instead of having to fight like a rabid animal to get even one of those items enforced in your own home!!!!!!!!!
"Bitter? Table for ONE..."
I have seen this before
Boy, I sure do wish my dh could read this. I agree with English. Things sure would be alot easier if this were incorporated into the marriage vows of any new marriage that involves children from other marriages.
Georgie Girl
I'm sort of proud to say...
...that after six grueling years, we've pretty much achieved this for the most part. My husband is a big ass in other ways, but we've never disagreed about any of the step stuff. He's always had my back there, for which I'm grateful. I think a good chunk of the conflicts that arrise in step families occurs because of fathers who are stuck in the middle and don't have the gonads to make decisions, enforce boundaries and communicate effectively.
I'm also blessed with mostly well-behaved skids, which helps. And since we live 1000 miles away from BM and the skids, there's no more arguing over her not allowing us visitation. Can't do weekends or holidays when you're that far apart. So the up side is that things have improved a lot since the beginning, but the down side is that it took us moving several states away and having minimal contact with the skids for it to happen. I miss the kids, but I don't miss fighting with their mother over getting to see them.
~ Anne ~
"Adjust on the fly, or you're going to cry."
Steve Doocy, The Mr. and Mrs. Happy Handbook
How do you do it Anne?
How do you stop being angry? I always read your posts and you are so level headed about things with a minimal amount of animosity. I want to be where you are at...I want to not be so flippin' pissed off at her anymore.
There was a point two years ago I would've moved away. DH was in the same position too because she wasn't letting us have the kids. We spent thousands of dollars fighting her and I would stop her cs payments until she would hand them back over. Our lawyer used to joke around calling our payments "randsom". I used to hold the check in my hand until the girls walked through my front door. The only thing that kept us here was the fact that I had children and I would NEVER have taken away the time their dad spends with them.
But anyways, how did you ever forgive her and just move on? I am so jealous of your ability to do this....do you think it's solely because you moved away so she can longer keep the kids from you?
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."
Honestly, CG, I just stopped caring!
Every single time she would pull a stunt, I would always rise to the bait. Just the sound of her voice or seeing an email from her in the inbox would raise my hackles. I'd get all jacked up with the anger, ready to do battle. I was immediately on guard and in fight mode. After awhile, I just realized that she is who she is, nothing I can do will ever change her, it's a waste of my time/energy/sanity to participate in these meaningless exchanges with her and I just stopped.
I stopped defending myself when she would say ugly things about me because I know they are not true, everyone I care about knows they are not true and I know I can never change her opinion. Why fight it? You can't reason with an unreasonable person. You can't expect an irrational person to understand logic.
I stopped trying to defend my husband's rights for visitation... I mean, hey, they are HIS kids. If he wants to see them, let HIM take it up with her. If they don't want to come, fine. If he doesn't ask to get them, fine. If she won't let us have them, fine. Oh, well. I send them emails once or twice a month. I never get a response, but even that is just a minor irritation. She raised spoiled, selfish, self-centered kids. I'm just glad MY kids don't act that way. The ill manners of her kids are not my responsibility. It's tragic, but hey, that's life. I'd like them to be a part of the family, I do my best to include them in everything, but I am not going to leap tall buildings or scale mountains for other people's children. I told myself they are ultimately not my responsibility and forgave myself for not giving a shit what happens to them when they are NOT in my home, under my roof and in my care. I mother them like my own when they are with me and I do love them dearly, but when they are with their mom, they are her problem, not mine.
I stopped entertaining her conversations about money. If she ever sent a bill, I'd pay our share, but she doesn't, so I don't. If she calls or emails wanting to know about the CS, I respond back with the date I sent in the payment and tell her if she has other questions, to take it up with the CSE office. Then I ignore her repeated questioning.
I stopped letting her have access to me, my family, my home. If she abuses the email, I block her. When she abused the phone, I got our number changed to an unlisted one IN MY NAME and didn't give it to her until she started behaving again. I stopped using the record messages part of our answering machine and replaced that with a message that says we are not home, please try again later, so that she can't leave hostile messages. I never have given her my cell phone number and never will. She'll never have DH's work number or work cell phone number. She has his personal cell number and that's it. If she abuses it, we turn it off.
I ex-wife-proofed my life so that, even before we moved, I was insulated from her and so was my home and my family. Without us giving her the satisfaction of a response, she stopped a lot of the attacks. Moving far away was good... we get to see the kids as much as we used to (maybe once a year, more likely NEVER), but we don't have to deal with the hassle and disappointment of asking, getting told maybe, getting told yes, then getting cancelled at the last minute.
The biggest help, though, has been my husband. He is ALWAYS on my side, he puts our marriage first, he backs up my discipline, he taught his children to respect me as his equal and the mom of the house, he treats all the kids the same, he has no problem telling his children NO and he has never, ever sacrificed anything important to me or our family just to appease his ex. To his credit, even if he doesn't understand the WHY of my request, if he knows it's important to me, he'll do everything he can to make it happen. Example... he didn't understand at first why I didn't want him going INSIDE the ex-wife's house when he would pick up the kids. I explained to him about boundaries. He STILL didn't get it... BUT HE STOPPED GOING INSIDE THE HOUSE, EVEN THOUGH HE DIDN'T UNDERSTAND WHY I ASKED HIM NOT TO. He's not perfect, but I'm lucky not to have most of the usual DH complaints.
As to forgiveness, I don't forgive her for a thing. I will never forgive her for the way she has hurt me, my family and especially my husband. If she burst in flames in front of me, I wouldn't even piss on her to put her out. She's not worth my spit. But I also don't care about her enough to let her get to me. The opposite of love is not hate. The opposite of love is ambivalence. Hating someone requires passion and energy. I'm not wasting my passion or my energy on her. She's not worth it. Ambivalence costs me nothing, so that's all I allow her to get from me... my complete and utter disregard for her existence.
I still get irritated with her, definitely. But like I try to advise others, I just roll my eyes, shrug my shoulders and forget her. Five minutes is four minutes and 59 seconds too long for me to spend thinking about her. It took awhile. It wasn't overnight. You have to fake it 'til you make it, but if you practice it long enough, eventually it becomes second nature. Ah, freedom!
~ Anne ~
"Adjust on the fly, or you're going to cry."
Steve Doocy, The Mr. and Mrs. Happy Handbook
I would be happy if I was granted any one of them
I am new. And so glad there is this site. I do not get respect from my step-children at all. and I do everything for everyone. I feel like I am going to go crazy. My husband just says you knew I had kids. So be the step mom and don't complain. They walk all over me.
I really need to vent
So tired of my husbands EX!
Hi, I am new but I needed to get a few things off my mind! My husbands ex wife gave his kids up when they where 2 and 3 1/2. She has always maintained a every other weekend visitation. I started taking care of them full time when they where 3 and 4 1/2. Ever since then she has become a pshyco! She hates that I am in there life. She is now on her 5th husband and she is only 32 and does absolutely nothing good for the children. My husband and I have rules, morals, lessons, and love in our household. They have bedtimes and limits on certain things. When she sees them they get to stay up as late as they want, drink all the caffiene cokes they can handle, disobey without consequences, and are overall horrible when they come home because of how she has allowed them to act. Just 6 months ago we moved out of state (legally) just to get away from her in hopes our lifes would be a little more calm. Unfortunatley that has not been the case. She in fact has not come to see them once in 6 months. We have brought them to her according to a new suggestion of visitation that we have all followed since we moved. Now Christams came and she agreed on the time she was going to have them until it was time to bring them back. She sent a text messaging refusing to give them back until January 2nd saying her court papers say she doesn't have to give them back until then. So all of the sudden the papers that she followed for 6 months went out the window when she realized the old papers benifited her better now. Last year she even had an affair on her now husband and had him put a "hit" out on my husband. Her affair called my husband after he found out she was married and told my husband all about it. We had the kids taken away from her. We had the guy admiting to the hit on tape. But because the guy didn't show up to court with a subpeona they dropped the case and gave her rights back to her!!!! She pays child support maybe every 5 months. She pays absolutely no medical. We do everything we can legally to follow the rules but still she comes out ahead. She has claimed my husbands parent's address for bill collectors so they are constantly bothered by her stupidity as well. The oldest son is steroid dependant and has to stay away from smoke and has to have his medicine every other day. She and her husband smoke cigaretts and cigars around him every visit and she misses his doses of medicine all the time. Once she was suppose to pick his medicine up from the drugstore and give him his med's that day. Four days later she went and picked it up!!! It breaks my heart that I take care of them and love them like I do and she is allowed to break all the rules, pay nothing, and come out ahead all the time. I don't expect her to ever change. I imagine over time the children will realize what kind of person she really is because right now all they see is a mom that does no wrong.....if they only knew!
Ok I guess I better stop because this saga could go on forever! For anyone that took the time to read my vent, thanks, I needed the ears.
Anne...u are an inspiration
Anne...u are an inspiration to us all! i have been struggling w my bf's ex, bf's mistake and the whole situation that put us where we are today, and unsuccessfully trying to cope. but u put it in such a great lite and honestly, now i see that i am so lucky to have one of the truly terrific future dhs who puts me and our relationship first. thank u for opening my eyes!!!!!!!! muah!