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Don't you just love how you never get a day off...

redheaded_stepmom's picture

So, I've been pretty sick for the past two days and I have finals to finish before we leave on spring break vacation. I asked DH to please take SD14 to her therapy appointment at 8am this week and he said sure, no problem...whatever! Guess what...something came up and now I am either going to have to try and cancel the appointment last minute or take her myself, sick with two small children in tow...YAY! That shit really chaps my hide!


Storm76's picture

Why does something for him take precedence over his daughter, but you being sick doesn't? I'd get him to re-schedule at a time when he can take SD. Otherwise, just save it all up for when he gets man-flu!

"God never gives us more than we can cope with, I just wish he didn't have such faith in me!"

redheaded_stepmom's picture

He's military, so he doesn't really have too much leeway when it comes to his job, but the fact that he knew this and didn't bother to let me know until the dr's office was closed, knowing I'm sick, is what really pisses me off. As a stay-at-home mom, which I chose to be until my BKs are both in school, I never get a day off. I always get up with the kids first thing in the morning and any time during the night. My school work takes a backseat to the kids all day long, so I stay up until 3 and 4 in the morning going to class and writing papers. I haul SD14 around to her therapy appointments every week, with my two little ones in tow. I take SD14 to her orthodontist appointments and anywhere else she needs to go. I never get down time, at least that's the way it feels. I have been a constant ball of stress for weeks now, which is probably why I am so sick right now, and I am sooooo tired of it. I am going to call in the morning and cancel the appointment as soon as the office opens. She can wait until after spring break to go back. I think she is only using it to get out of school anyway. It doesn't seem to be doing her any good anymore. She has quit taking her meds, and I refuse to be the only one that makes her take them. I don't think I should have to go out of my and inconvenience my two little ones so she can get out of school for a few hours every week.

May those that love us, love us.
And those that don't love us,
May God turn their hearts.
And if He doesn't turn their hearts,
May He turn their ankles
So we will know them by their limping.
~Irish Blessing

BurnedOut's picture

I think I'm ur twin except i"m in the military and my husbsand stays home. He still leaves all the shit for me to do when I get home. Basically he feeds the twins, changes their pampers, and sends my 5 yr old to school. He won't cook, clean, wash or any of the shit that really needs to be done. Not to mention my 12 yr old SS is on meds also. I stop taking his ass to the appts. He now sees a civilian doc so either DH or BM takes him. So f**kin drained !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!