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Sweet, sweet weekend without the step kids

Reluctant Step Mum's picture

Just enjoying a quite morning at home without the step kids. Even DH is out getting his tyres changed on his car and my 20 year old daughter is still sleeping the day away.

I savour these times, when it is just me, doing what I want to do, which right now is not much of anything.

Ahhhhh the quite and peace.


TheCharm's picture

We have a date-day planned tomorrow.............Mmmmm.

Lainey's picture

what is this date day??? i think i remember back before we lived together with ss15

Reluctant Step Mum's picture

Date-days are great when you can get them Smile

A Step parent is in a no win role

TheCharm's picture

allows us to have EOW off. And since we don't have any kids of our own yet we take advantage. This weekend - massage therapist appointments, shopping, sushi. I know when we are lucky enough to get pregnant date days will come to a screeching halt! Smile

Angel's picture

I can relate! But with an added bonus for me. Since I put a halt to sleepover EOW, my dh goes to visit the man/child & I get extra time at home ALONE. I think I'll get a pedicure today!

When he brought him here---it was emotionally tough.

Public.Enemy.No.1's picture

I'm just thinking, what could be worse than having the ss I have? 2 of them!! How do you do it? I feel the same way, my SS8 is going fishing 2 days with FIL, starting tomorrow, and I CAN'T WAIT!! Sweet peace, sweet sanity, sweet tranquility, 2yro bio son playing peacefully, happily, not having to watch SS meltdown. Blood pressure back to within normal range. lol.