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Reluctant Step Mum's Blog

Had a great time with my Bio Son and even the Step Kids were OK

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I must have been in a super tolerant mood cause my SK's didn't annoy me (much) over last weekend, probably because my Bio Son was visiting from interstate and I wanted to spend as much time with him as I could since I won't see him again until Xmas.

My Bio Daughter and I always get depressed after he leaves. Brings back the pain of my divorce.

Bio Son is coming to visit - so excited - but pesky SK's will be here too.

Reluctant Step Mum's picture

My Bio Son (19) is coming to visit from interstate and I haven't seen him for almost 6 months. I always get so excited to see him and so devistated every time he leaves to go home. When I divorced his Dad (5 yrs ago), he chose to stay interstate because he couldn't deal with leaving his friends and school. So any time I get to spend with him is precious. His sister (20) lives with me and my DH so she misses him terribly also - even after 5 years it does not get any easier for either of us.

Sweet, sweet weekend without the step kids

Reluctant Step Mum's picture

Just enjoying a quite morning at home without the step kids. Even DH is out getting his tyres changed on his car and my 20 year old daughter is still sleeping the day away.

I savour these times, when it is just me, doing what I want to do, which right now is not much of anything.

Ahhhhh the quite and peace.