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Bio Son is coming to visit - so excited - but pesky SK's will be here too.

Reluctant Step Mum's picture

My Bio Son (19) is coming to visit from interstate and I haven't seen him for almost 6 months. I always get so excited to see him and so devistated every time he leaves to go home. When I divorced his Dad (5 yrs ago), he chose to stay interstate because he couldn't deal with leaving his friends and school. So any time I get to spend with him is precious. His sister (20) lives with me and my DH so she misses him terribly also - even after 5 years it does not get any easier for either of us.

The 'fly in my ointment' is that next weekend, when BS is here, we also have the strange, silent, pale SK's to deal with. So our 'disfunctional brady bunch' will be complete (LOL).


Abigail's picture

Try not to let strange SKs ruin it for you.

"Evil Stepmothers aren't born, it comes with the territory"

WifeNTheMiddle's picture

Just you, BS and BD go somewhere for the weekend. Spend some quality time together, then you don't have to worry about Skids ruining your special weekend. If that is to extreme for Skids and DH, try to include them the best you can, plan a special event for everyone...then everyone will be having so much fun, no awkwardness all around! Enjoy your visit!