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Rosedeer1's picture

So I took the day off because my SS had oral surgery yesterday and we did not know what BM was doing, sorry we have placement and she sees him wed. and EOW. But then my DH calls me and tells me she is picking him up at noon because he never said no, he did not say yes, but he did not say no, so she told him she called her lawyer and she will be over at noon to pick SS up which it is her weekend but not until 4, so my DH called his lawyer and his lawyer told him not to fight it and if he is working why should it matter and that my DH needs to continue to be the nice guy that helped him win placement in the first place. But I am pissed because I took the day off and yet again what BM says he does, I do not even know if this is worth the shit I put up with. I agree BM should have her son but I hate her and dont want her too, she lost, now her myspace, which I need to quit reading says have my son (content) she rubs it in my face because I let her by even looking at her myspace page, I do all of this to myself so now I am pissed at the man I love because he told me her was going to tell her pick him up at 4 like the court order says but instead he lets her get him at noon. I should be understanding, but I hate her we should listen to his lawyer, he does anyway. I hate how I feel, I hate she is happy and I hate that I let her control me, I have him 25 days out of the month why am I caring she only has him until sun. at 6 then we have him all week except for 3 hours on wed. and then it is our weekend. I HATE this I do not know if I can be a step mom!!!! HELP!!!


Sita Tara's picture

"...I hate how I feel, I hate she is happy and I hate that I let her control me, I have him 25 days out of the month..."

I know these angry and hurt feelings all too well.

All I can say is stop letting her control you. Stop looking at the myspace because she surely posts for your benefit.

And START looking for what you need to do, be, say, find to make YOU happy. I know that's easier said than done. It's taken me 5 years to get it, and even now I am only really beginning to.


"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra

Sita Tara's picture

Veto power over your happiness. It's from a blog by an author who is friends with my brother. She has a new book that is really awesome- it's a wisdom and wit filled manual for her two daughters (one in elementary school, one in high school I believe) to let them know her thoughts on living a full life.

"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra

Anon2009's picture

I hope your SS is doing ok! I'm so sorry for what you're going through, and I agree with Sita, the best thing to do is to stop letting BM control you. It took me years to do that as well. All I can recommend is focusing on the people and things in your life that make you most happy, and especially be there for SS as he recovers. Focus on the fact that he is a wonderful little boy to be around, and do fun things with him. You get the joy of having this sweet little boy for 25 days a month, and BM does not. She doesn't know what she's missing out on.

newlymarriedstepmom's picture

and let it out. Glad you are here to tell us how you feel. Sometimes just banging those words out on the keyboard can make you feel better, sometimes not. I am new here but I can relate to almost everything that is said here. Its very frustrating to feel as if your day just doesn't matter. And I imagine you might feel like who the heck is this woman to just swoop in and "make everything all better" after SS's oral surgery.....the truth is you are the real and committed caregiver to this child, and I applaud you for that, you should applaud yourself too. Also, I'm thrilled to know that I'm not the only one to check my ex's myspace page.....Hang in there friend.

StepG's picture

at church the preacher did a lesson on hate! Needless to say I was extra all ears that Sunday and sometimes I think I feel hate towards BM but hate is a strong word. The preacher made 2 quotes/statements about hate that I wrote down and have posted at my desk at work. The first one I am going to list applies to you and me as well sometimes. Please read them write them down and think about them.

1.) you are a master to what you love and a slave to what you hate
2.) hate is a coward's revenge for being intimidated

Also in that sermon preacher stated people often say "oh that so and so makes me so mad!" but the preacher says no that person did not make you mad you allowed that persons actions to make you mad, you allowed it. Whoa! When thinking about what he said he is right we do not have to get mad at their actions we can let them go or chose to get mad. Now I know that the letting go part is way easier said than done. I struggle with it daily!

Kick back tonight with some wine and enjoy the alone time with you and your H!

Sita Tara's picture

But she was inspired on the subject by this quote which she includes in the book (it's loaded with them.)And I have now changed it to my signature so read below!

"When you take charge of your life, there is no longer need to ask permission of other people or society at large. When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life." ~Geoffrey F. Abert

sparky's picture

Its Friday enjoy your time away from the kd. There are trackers one can put on myspace and every time that you go there she knows about it and it gives her the chance to play you. Send me the address and I will track her so she wont know you are doing it.

Angel37's picture

Rosedeer, there are some things that I don't understand. Why are you so gleeful that a child's mother only gets to be with him a set amount of time. It's almost as if you would keep her from seeing her son if you could manage it. She's his mother. Unless she's completely unfit, why WOULDN'T you want her to have extra time? I give my ex husband extra time all the time even though we already have 50/50, and he's what's best for the kids and that's what you need to start thinking about. I don't understand why you would WANT to hurt her so badly.

I am a BM and I know what it feels like to be on your BM'S side of things, however, I also understand the step parent side of things because my husband is a SF. I hope you understand that I'm only trying to help because you are hurting everyone in your situation right now. You have to figure out how to get over this obsession and this desire to keep BM from her child.

Sita Tara's picture

What I don't understand where you saw "gleeful" in that post at all. Because all I saw was a boatload of pain.

I am a BM with 50/50 with my exH and sons' SM. We get along fantastically well, as a matter of fact SM just emailed me asking if we can have coffee Monday afternoon b/c she needs a friend and things are really hard for her right now (not exH related but many other much heavier things.)

Before I became a SM, I would never have understood at all what Rosedeer was feeling, b/c my situation with my sons SM was so accommodating and collaborative. Nor could she understand in the beginning, what I was going through with my SD and BM, and we had some words over that at one point because she thought I had learned nothing about being a SM from all my years interacting with her. In fairness, my sons' SM had no reference point of being a FC SM with an unstable BM who is a mom of convenience.

But once I shared somethings with my sons' SM about BM- who only refers to me as a third person pronoun unless my name begins with Fat and ends with Bit@h, my sons' SM now gets it as well as my situation with SD.

...oh yeah, and when BM forgot to sign or give money for a field trip, or needed gym clothes that she forgot at BMs or needed a dental appt or orthodontist appt...

I am DH's "GO TO GIRL." BM actually called me that.

My SD's BM presented as a mother who wanted the title, the pic on her desk, without any of the bother of actually parenting her, or collaborating with my DH to parent her. BM is still that, even more so after giving up FC b/c she's so afraid of finding out she's mentally ill, that she gave up SD rather than have a psych eval. A BM who one day would say I had no business "watching" her daughter, and the next drop SD off with a fever, strep throat etc so I could take her to a Dr while BM got to go to work. Even when I was working too. BM who canceled all her EO weekends by announcing to SD one week she was starting a new job the next weekend and would never again be available except for her one night a week, and has started canceling those.

I have come so very far from where Rosedeer sits right now. However it has taken 4 and a half years of walking in those shoes and working endlessly toward forgiveness, acceptance, and letting go.

Now I no longer feel such bitterness or the total weight of having to step up for a child incapable of gratitude on my shoulders. I didn't bring her into the world. I will do what I can, but have now accepted what I can't. And I am felling free!
I now feel badly for BM, and for SD who both suffer with relational issues big time. Who both feel pain and rejection, competition and paranoia and react accordingly, when no real life basis exists for their perceptions. I still am broken hearted about it all b/c I'm human.

But I can honestly tell you...I don't think anyone can get that level of hurt without having been there in the trenches getting walked all over. Rosedeer isn't mad that BM has extra time. Rosedeer isn't jealous of BM being happy. Rosedeer...I believe... is feeling like BM's personal "Go-To" girl, there for the many times BM is too busy enjoying her freedom to bothered by messing with her own child, using up her day off b/c BM is unreliable, and then her DH doesn't stand up to BM and tell her, "No...I'm sorry. SM took off for that already b/c you didn't get back to us in time."

I just don't think you can totally understand the SP part of things b/c your spouse is a SP to your kids. I think you can sympathize, but if you haven't gone through these horrendous battles, I'm sure they may sound jealous and petty.

Sorry if this came out too strong. I really mean it when I say I myself wouldn't have believed the things I write if I hadn't been through them. I was so truly blessed with DH, and SM and exH in that we are all capable of putting the kids first. BM is not. And until you feel that wrath first hand it's hard to imagine.

"When you take charge of your life, there is no longer need to ask permission of other people or society at large. When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life." ~Geoffrey F. Abert

melis070179's picture

I agree with most of what you're saying...but I do think Rosedeer IS mad BM has extra, or any time, with the child...and she IS jealous she is happy...she stated she hates her to be happy. She's posted about this before, a few days ago even...she has an obsession with BM that she can't get past...not sure why, but she does and she freely admits to it. I'm sure your assessment of WHY she has these feelings is right on, because she feels used by BM and DH. I really think she should try counseling to see if she can figure out how to let go and get past these feelings...I think she seems like a very hurt and angry girl Sad

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

Most Evil's picture

You are so eloquent . . . and elegant!! I think you have hit the nail on the head on all counts.

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

Rosedeer1's picture

Well Angel I do feel she is unfit to be a Mom, she told her 3 year old son at the time that I had her arrested which I did because she threatened to kill me then broke an order of protection and was arrested again with her baby in her hands, because she saw me with him came over to us and started swearing up and down and her child she loves so much was right there. The first words she said to me was that she "can not wait for my Mom to die because that is the only reason my boyfriend at the time now husband was with me". Well my Mom died two months later almost 3 years ago and he still wanted to marry me, so I guess she was wrong. She has also called DSS on me 3 times trying to get my foster daughter taken away who I am not adopting with my DH, she has called my work 3 times and wrote a letter trying to get me fired claiming I broke confidentiality laws, she has stalked me for a year, found out my address, my unlisted phone number and all of my families addresses and how many kids they have. Her son would come home asking why I had his Mommy arrested and put in jail, and he was only 3, kids do not make that up. My SS would tell me and others that his Mommy hates me and that I can not marry his Daddy because Mommy wants to and that I need to move out of my house I built with my DH so Mommy can move in. He said that Mommy said that if he loves me that he will not grow big like Daddy, my SS will be 5 in April I have been apart of his life since before he turned 2, He gets very confused how someone he loves so much (me) can be all of the things Mommy says I am. We have a great relationship in fact there are somethings that he will only let me do, like rub his face and put lotion on his arms and legs. I think it is not very Mother like to use you 4 year old to tell your emotional bagage to, she sleeps with him in her bed still and will cry infront of him and he rubs her back, he told me Mommy was so said that Daddy won in court I had to rub her back all night while she cried, that is not a good parent, you do not let you child see you that upset and make him feel bad for wanting to be at Daddy's house. So Angel just because she gave birth to him does not make her a good Mom and if she does not stop using him as someone to lean on he is going to need a lot of counseling when he is older, she will be 30 in June she needs to find friends to lean on NOT her son, and she never takes any blame, it is not her fault she threatened to kill me because I took her son to wal-mart and then she broke an order of protection!! SITA you are a blessing, thank you for your kind words they have helped me through many nights!! Thank you to all of you who have been there for me, this site is Gods gift to me, thank you all so much!!!

Sita Tara's picture

You are quite welcome Rosedeer. I am fortunate in that my BM's craziness manifests by her trying to forget I exist. Still helped SD to hate me/blame me etc along the way. I cannot imagine what you are going through with all of that. In light of the posts about the 11 yo boy in PA accused of killing his dad's Fiance and unborn son, we know all too well the damage that an unstable parent can inflict on their child.

Take care Rosedeer. I do agree that counseling can help as I am a huge fan of getting professional support- someone who can give you tools to make things better for YOU. If you are treading water or slip below the surface, you are not healthy physically, spiritually or mentally and can't be good to anyone without your own happiness first.


"When you take charge of your life, there is no longer need to ask permission of other people or society at large. When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life." ~Geoffrey F. Abert

Tara12's picture

I have been following your posts for awhile and girl you have my sympathies. I thought I had a crazy BM to deal with but yours takes the cake. Of course you think about this constantly after all this woman has put you through - what sane person wouldn't after they have been attacked over and over again and the things this woman has done to you is off the charts. I think BM in this case should have very limited time with her child period until, and only until she proves herself fit to be a mother. I'm suprised the court did not order her to go to counseling or have some sort of psych evaluation. I would be pissed if this woman had any extra time with SS even if she is his mother. What is she going to use that extra time for? To fill the kids head with more emotional damage. Your SS is going to need some seriously counseling after having to listen to all the emotional baggage from his mother. No child should have to be subjected to that. SS is better off with you and your hubby. Just because she gave birth to SS does not mean she is fit to be a parent. Hang in there Rosedeer and you will be in my thoughts and prayers!